i get a call wednesday from my old job telling me that they have someone out and want to know if i can fill in for a couple of days. i call my dad first to make sure i have a place to stay while i'm there. he says it's cool. so i drive back home on thursday and work friday and yesterday. now..on thursday i get to thinking, well, since i'm probably going to be working until tuesday, maybe i can just stay at my dad's place until christmas and go back to NC on xmas day. so i ask and he proceeds to tell me that not only will his wife not allow me to stay that long, but that she is giving him flack for letting me stay as long as i am ALREADY. this is coming from a woman who has a son whose home for the past several months, along with other past instances, has been the county jail. but i just let it go. i told my dad that he and i would just have our own little christmas somethingorother and then on christmas eve (when she's having her family thing) they can all go to hell.
on to better news: last night after i got off work i picked up CJ and we went to florence to meet a "friend" of hers. she's the bartender at ruby tuesday's. so we met her and a couple of friends she had there. they were really cool chicks. we stayed at ruby tuesday's until about 12:30 and then went to their house. and that's when we started drinking.
and drinking.
and..drinking some more.
they told me i finally passed out around 5. i had all kinds of fun with those four ladies, both when i was sober and when i wasn't so much. nothing amazingly spectacular happened, just a lot of normally spectacular things. but again, i had a great time. something i hadn't had in a loooooong time.
i hope everyone is doing well.
love, D (803 571 1173 i'll even accept prank calls/voicemails/text messages)

on to better news: last night after i got off work i picked up CJ and we went to florence to meet a "friend" of hers. she's the bartender at ruby tuesday's. so we met her and a couple of friends she had there. they were really cool chicks. we stayed at ruby tuesday's until about 12:30 and then went to their house. and that's when we started drinking.
and drinking.
and..drinking some more.
they told me i finally passed out around 5. i had all kinds of fun with those four ladies, both when i was sober and when i wasn't so much. nothing amazingly spectacular happened, just a lot of normally spectacular things. but again, i had a great time. something i hadn't had in a loooooong time.
i hope everyone is doing well.
love, D (803 571 1173 i'll even accept prank calls/voicemails/text messages)