go to the library with a fifth of wild turkey and demand to be given a copy of hunter s. thompson's "the great shark hunt".
once you have it, proceed to drink as much as you can before they realize and try to kick you out.
once they try to kick you out, yell that they're all a bunch of communists as you run out the door with the book, while throwing the bottle at any who follow you to give you more time to get away.
keep in mind, i'm not saying you won't end up in court somehow....i'm just offering ideas for a boring saturday afternoon.
once you have it, proceed to drink as much as you can before they realize and try to kick you out.
once they try to kick you out, yell that they're all a bunch of communists as you run out the door with the book, while throwing the bottle at any who follow you to give you more time to get away.
keep in mind, i'm not saying you won't end up in court somehow....i'm just offering ideas for a boring saturday afternoon.