8:45AM tuesday: so here we go. right after i got off work at 6 last night, ray and shaun met me and mike here at my place. we drove to columbia, stopping on the way to eat, and then we went trying to find the New Brookland Tavern, the place where the SGB girls were performing. we drove around for a while to no avail. so i figured, eh, what the hell, we have time (it was around 9 by then). so we decide to venture over to a strip club since none of had never been to one. we come on heartbreakers, which..well. it cost a little more than i expected. i spent way too goddamned much money on these people. the girl at the counter didn't really explain it to me, but i had to pay $46. in cash. which i didn't have. so she let me walk in briefly to go to the ATM. i got three 20s and gave them to her, and naturally, she gave me my fourteen bucks of change in..two dollar bills? that's right, i'm now the proud owner of seven two dollar bills. goooo me. but anyway, we went and sat down in the chairs against the wall and watched the show. various girls came up and tried to give us lapdances, but none of us budged, as we were all too cheap (actually, the girls that came up to us weren't very attractive). we sat and watched for a while, and then this girl in regular clothing who had been next to me sitting in the corner comes and sits on my lap. she says her friend has been having a day and needs to be cheered up and that she wants to make her laugh. i'm thinking this is just some kind of stupid strip club trick, but i keep listening. she says her friend bet her that she couldn't get me to show her my ass. ...aroo? she notices my hesitation and starts trying to convince me. "it just has to be the crack of your ass....i'll make you a deal: if you show my friend your ass, i'll show your friends here mine." so i think..what the hell? i stand up, walk over to the friend, and drop trou right in her face. she seemed to get a kick out of it. i sit down and on comes the first girl. she asks if i want to see her ass or tits. i'll give you three guesses as to what my answer was. she lifts her shirt and starts going down the line smothering the guys' faces starting with mike who was sitting next to me. but she skipped me! naturally, i had to object. "what about me??" she comes over to me and just shakes her juggs in my face for all she's worth. needless to say, i was satisfied. so we sit around the club for a little bit longer, and then the others decide they're hungry. so we run down the street to hooters. interesting change of pace, right? we order 50 hot wings to split four ways. great times had by all. then we left there to try again to find the NBT. it was no trouble this time around. i was under the impression that the show started at 12, but they were already going when we got there. still, though, we got to see a good 20 minutes of performance. the way the NBT is set up, there's standing room on the front and side of the stage. the front was a sea of humanity, so we had to get on the side. the girls were mostly concerned with the front. they did their routines, whcih are incredibly hot, and then out came the whipped cream. it went all over the girls, and then on the people standing in front of the stage. i'm enjoying myself at this point, but a little disappointed that i'm not gonna get..how shall we say..decorated? then, out of nowhere, Reagan, in all of her unbelievable uberhotness, takes the top off a bottle of chocolate syrup and slings the hell out of it at us. i was COVERED in chocolatey goodness. Reagan, as a result of this, is now my favorite SG.
from there, it was just the trip home. got back here around 1:40, posted the miniupdate you see...above or below, wherever the hell it is..and then went to bed. got up around 7:30 this morning and took mike home. i think i've been typing this ever since..hehe. but ok, that's all. i'm worn out just from this friggin post. love to all.
2AM tuesday: rather than make a new journal entry, i'm just gonna edit the other day's to include tonight's events. well, ok, i'm not gonna update yet..i'll do it in the morning. so by the time this applies, it will be last night's events. but suffice to say, once again i had one hell of an evening. and this time, no alkeehall was involved. amazing, innit?
7PM sunday: ok so starting with yesterday..
our phones went out at work early in the morning. apparently the construction crew down the street did sum ting wong and knocked out the lines. so we didn't do much of anything all day. we wound up closing half an hour (yes, only half an hour :/) early. i got home around 4:30 messed around checking email and such, and started to relax. then i thought, hey, i need to get off my ass and do something. so i called up my niece who is 17 (she's my half-niece, actually) to talked to her. her boyfriend is 21 and thus can legally purchase alcohol. she told me she was about to go to his house and asked if i wanted to join her, so i told her i would. several people there, lots of beer bought and consumed, and great fun had by all. good folks, they were. and still are. anyway, we all got up around 11:30. we hung around and did a whole lot of nothing until about 1. then they took showers and i ran home briefly to check on Anna, read my email, and do my last journal entry. after that i drove back to their place and we went out to eat at ryan's. for those who don't know, ryan's is an all-you-can-eat-buffet-type-place (imagine someone like me going somewhere like that?). we stuffed ourselves with the meal, and then ate ridiculous volumes of dessert in order to achieve wicked sugar highs. amidst the cookies, ice cream and shots (yes, shots, they were in little cups) of sugar sprinkles, we succeeded in our task. hilarity and of-self-ass-making ensued. we then ran around wal mart for a while, for no real reason whatsoever. then we went to goody's where the girls spent a fucking half hour looking at the discount panty displays (keep in mind one of these girls was my niece) which wasn't terribly enjoyable. after that we went to the "mall" (read: collection of stores that sell nothing any reasonable person would want to buy) and basically just wasted time there. then we all went back home. i drank one more beer and then finally left them for my own home. all in all, i had a hell of a time. shaun's (niece's boyfriend) birthday is thursday, and i told him i had something planned for him tomorrow night. i also invited the other two guys who live in the house with him. so now instead of two others to bring to the SGB show in columbia, i have five
i think they'll all enjoy. they also told me that they're having a birthday party for him saturday night, during which many many more alcoholic beverages will be imbibed. i can't wait. this being-around-people thing really seems to be a good thing.
i forgot to mention the cute girl i met. i have a thing for really petite girls, right? well, that's exactly what she is. she's probably about 5'2" and just really tiny. and she wears glasses, which i also totally dig. the only thing is..she's 16. i understand she's turning 17 in august, which..well, i don't know. i've always been a bit critical of any significant age differences in romantic relationships. but like i said..i dunno what to think here. i'm basically looking for some input here. just turned 20 and almost 17? is that ok? i want lots of comments.
and one last thing..for anyone who lives in the surrounding areas (or directly in the area, duh), please feel free to join SGSC. ok, i'm done now.

2AM tuesday: rather than make a new journal entry, i'm just gonna edit the other day's to include tonight's events. well, ok, i'm not gonna update yet..i'll do it in the morning. so by the time this applies, it will be last night's events. but suffice to say, once again i had one hell of an evening. and this time, no alkeehall was involved. amazing, innit?

7PM sunday: ok so starting with yesterday..
our phones went out at work early in the morning. apparently the construction crew down the street did sum ting wong and knocked out the lines. so we didn't do much of anything all day. we wound up closing half an hour (yes, only half an hour :/) early. i got home around 4:30 messed around checking email and such, and started to relax. then i thought, hey, i need to get off my ass and do something. so i called up my niece who is 17 (she's my half-niece, actually) to talked to her. her boyfriend is 21 and thus can legally purchase alcohol. she told me she was about to go to his house and asked if i wanted to join her, so i told her i would. several people there, lots of beer bought and consumed, and great fun had by all. good folks, they were. and still are. anyway, we all got up around 11:30. we hung around and did a whole lot of nothing until about 1. then they took showers and i ran home briefly to check on Anna, read my email, and do my last journal entry. after that i drove back to their place and we went out to eat at ryan's. for those who don't know, ryan's is an all-you-can-eat-buffet-type-place (imagine someone like me going somewhere like that?). we stuffed ourselves with the meal, and then ate ridiculous volumes of dessert in order to achieve wicked sugar highs. amidst the cookies, ice cream and shots (yes, shots, they were in little cups) of sugar sprinkles, we succeeded in our task. hilarity and of-self-ass-making ensued. we then ran around wal mart for a while, for no real reason whatsoever. then we went to goody's where the girls spent a fucking half hour looking at the discount panty displays (keep in mind one of these girls was my niece) which wasn't terribly enjoyable. after that we went to the "mall" (read: collection of stores that sell nothing any reasonable person would want to buy) and basically just wasted time there. then we all went back home. i drank one more beer and then finally left them for my own home. all in all, i had a hell of a time. shaun's (niece's boyfriend) birthday is thursday, and i told him i had something planned for him tomorrow night. i also invited the other two guys who live in the house with him. so now instead of two others to bring to the SGB show in columbia, i have five

i forgot to mention the cute girl i met. i have a thing for really petite girls, right? well, that's exactly what she is. she's probably about 5'2" and just really tiny. and she wears glasses, which i also totally dig. the only thing is..she's 16. i understand she's turning 17 in august, which..well, i don't know. i've always been a bit critical of any significant age differences in romantic relationships. but like i said..i dunno what to think here. i'm basically looking for some input here. just turned 20 and almost 17? is that ok? i want lots of comments.
and one last thing..for anyone who lives in the surrounding areas (or directly in the area, duh), please feel free to join SGSC. ok, i'm done now.
dude. I"m too drunk to read all of that right now...I swear I will later....but YEAH!!!! stormy was SO freaking beautiful and nice!!! she kissed me and grabbed my boobs and said I should be an SG. then we had the no bed/bath/wings talk....then when she did her solo....which was HOTTER THAN HOT...she kissed me more....with tongue. *sigh* that girl has got it goin' on.

well im in LA so you didnt miss it here...thanks