uuuuuugh. ok. so my bank's computers went down thursday. i was driving around thursday night after work trying to get some money out of an ATM so i could get something to eat, but NONE of them were working. i had also planned to take out some cash for when i went to the game yesterday (friday). but i figured, oh well, they'll be fixed tomorrow. so i tried again a couple of times yesterday..still no dice. i tell myself "well, by the time i make it to atlanta everything will be fine." 3 hours and 200 miles later, everything is still fucked up. that means i can't afford a hotel for the night. FUCK. but that's ok. i decide to go to the game anyway, and just drive home afterwards. the game, of course, then proceeds to go 15 innings (CUBS WIN!) which wore me out, destroyed my voice, and actually made me spill someone else's beer. all that was awesome, but it put me driving that 3 hour/200 mile trip again, except this time it was at 12:30 in the morning. i stopped at a waffle house along the way with the intention of just getting some coffee (make that LOTS of coffee), but after telling the waitress i only had about five bucks and four of it was in quarters i dug out of my seats, she told me just to get what i wanted. i don't think she believed me when i tried to tell her how much i appreciated it, but oh well. after that, i went on my way. i had to fight to stay awake, but i made it back here. around 4:30 it was. and i went to bed, and got up about 30 minutes ago (11:30). and that's the end of my sob story for today.
heh...oh I ate, alright...mm, calzone...and the game was on in the restaurant...and last time i checked, braves were winning..although that was about an hour ago and that might not be true anymore...

remember me, bro?