watching colorado and detroit. fuck the red wings, by the way. aside from that, i'm bored out of my mind. someone entertain me. i'm begging you.
More Blogs
Thursday Apr 08, 2004
this is the greatest song ever. thank you, good night. -
Wednesday Apr 07, 2004
i got my double bass pedal today. i'm playing with it way too much. i… -
Monday Apr 05, 2004
my dad took me to eat at outback tonight. good stuff. i couldn't eat … -
Sunday Apr 04, 2004
new profile pic, this one of me at work. yay. oh, and just out of … -
Saturday Apr 03, 2004
so Thanatos and i got together and ate tonight. he's good people. ..i… -
Saturday Apr 03, 2004
i'm sorry, but this just bares repeating here. this is a quote from a… -
Friday Apr 02, 2004
Dear Dave, We regret to inform you that, due to an error in ou… -
Thursday Apr 01, 2004
so my sickness is nothing but allergies. bah. this, however, makes me… -
Tuesday Mar 30, 2004
YES! loan APPROVED! i feel so awesome. actually, i feel like shit..bu… -
Monday Mar 29, 2004
i left work early today. i feel so bad. been coughing since saturday,…
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