SAFLKSJLKG YES. excited..excited..excited. things took a bit of a surprising change today. LB did not get fired. instead, shirley (the manager) took him, paul, and me into the breakroom and we had a little powwow, during which we all explain to him that he was going to have to get along with paul, do what he said, etc., or go. he says he'll do what he's supposed to. whether or not he means it, i dunno. but, in any case, i officinitely (you like that word, i know you do, YOU know you do) start my job on the sales floor. i don't have to dress up because saturdays are casual, but i am going to look nice, at least. i spent the last half hour or so today getting my desk ready and whatnot. i'm gonna have to go and buy a bunch of office supplies before too long. but i'm not terribly concerned with that right now. the main thing is I'M NOT DELIVERING HEAVY FURNITURE TO PEOPLE'S HOUSES ANYMORE! i'm so frickin giddy. ah well, we'll see how it goes. LOOK AT THE PICTURE OF MY HAMSTER STILL. i'm gonna keep mentioning that until i get some comments about him.
I've recieved your friend request, post in my journal or send me a message..I feel funny just adding people I don't know.
Congrats, doll!