this just in: (*^*&%&^%&^%$^%$#^$#$^#^%^%$^
the little bastard who was supposedly hired to replace me has shown his true colors. we were having various problems with him from the beginning, but today was the kicker. he and paul, the guy i normally work with, were out making a delivery. among the things the customer got was a set of glass-top tables. LB (as he shall henceforth be named) started to carry the tables in with the glass on them..which was stupid in itself. paul told him to take the glass off of them so they wouldn't get broken. LB apparently adhered, and took a table in the house. as paul was going into the house shortly after, he heard LB mutter "i'll take them in any damn way i please." paul is an old man..LB is 18. he's lucky he didn't get cold-cocked right there. anyway, that was the last straw. instead of being off tomorrow and starting sales wednesday, i'm doing deliveries tomorrow and thursday, off wednesday, and the manager says she'll be rid of LB by friday afternoon. to anyone who hasn't been bored to tears yet and is still reading, you have my appreciation for letting me rant. but then again, this is a journal, right?
the little bastard who was supposedly hired to replace me has shown his true colors. we were having various problems with him from the beginning, but today was the kicker. he and paul, the guy i normally work with, were out making a delivery. among the things the customer got was a set of glass-top tables. LB (as he shall henceforth be named) started to carry the tables in with the glass on them..which was stupid in itself. paul told him to take the glass off of them so they wouldn't get broken. LB apparently adhered, and took a table in the house. as paul was going into the house shortly after, he heard LB mutter "i'll take them in any damn way i please." paul is an old man..LB is 18. he's lucky he didn't get cold-cocked right there. anyway, that was the last straw. instead of being off tomorrow and starting sales wednesday, i'm doing deliveries tomorrow and thursday, off wednesday, and the manager says she'll be rid of LB by friday afternoon. to anyone who hasn't been bored to tears yet and is still reading, you have my appreciation for letting me rant. but then again, this is a journal, right?
Rant away, babes! that's exactly what this is for. Work is frustrating when it's like that, but at least LB is getting what he deserves. Does LB stand for LoserBoy? Maybe it should.

Yes, journals are for endless bitching. I try not to go overboard on SG, but my livejournal is exclusively for ridiculous jr. high school melodrama posts! :-P