i just did some more walking..a couple of miles.....to mcdonald's. call me a..wait for it...walking contradiction. DURRRRP! anyhow, i may actually take up this walking thing. i'll come up with a routine or something.
More Blogs
Saturday May 29, 2004
about to go to a local bar to see jennifer's husband's band play..sam… -
Monday May 24, 2004
:certain member: Member since: Dec 03 Location: Chicago, IL May 23… -
Friday May 21, 2004
so jennifer, the girl i work with, calls me up at about 7:15 this mor… -
Sunday May 16, 2004
so i'm home now from the field trip. SO MUCH FUN . most awes… -
Friday May 14, 2004
so i'm sitting at SGNC HQ right now, typing this journal post. these … -
Friday May 14, 2004
so i'm about to be on my way to SGNC HQ. i'm so excited i can hardly … -
Wednesday May 12, 2004
two more days! woohoo! -
Sunday May 09, 2004
yeah hi. SGNC field trip next weekend. WOOHOO! -
Saturday May 08, 2004
someone please talk to me 803 541 3837 i'll love you forever -
Saturday May 08, 2004
so..yeah. i'm well on my way to getting really drunk again. in case a…
If Fast Food Nation wasn't proof enough, check out what else those cheeseburgers'll do to ya!