i just did some more walking..a couple of miles.....to mcdonald's. call me a..wait for it...walking contradiction. DURRRRP! anyhow, i may actually take up this walking thing. i'll come up with a routine or something.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 18, 2004
today was a long day, but not a bad day. i can't wait for tomorrow ni… -
Wednesday Jun 16, 2004
jesus christ, i can't believe it's only wednesday. and the sun's out.… -
Sunday Jun 13, 2004
8:45AM tuesday: so here we go. right after i got off work at 6 last n… -
Sunday Jun 13, 2004
i'm in a hurry right now, but somebody remind me to post something ab… -
Friday Jun 11, 2004
ok. i officially hate my job. the quotas and commissions and all this… -
Wednesday Jun 09, 2004
boy, am i depressed. *tear* apparently my underdeveloped social sk… -
Sunday Jun 06, 2004
so charlotte and her cousin al took me to edisto beach today. that wa… -
Friday Jun 04, 2004
so it's my birthday now. YAY. i'm 20. not 21..just 20. not so yay. bu… -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2004
so yeah..saturday's my birthday. it'll make two decades that i've bee… -
Sunday May 30, 2004
ok so i didn't go to the show thingy..instead i went to augusta to dr…
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