i just did some more walking..a couple of miles.....to mcdonald's. call me a..wait for it...walking contradiction. DURRRRP! anyhow, i may actually take up this walking thing. i'll come up with a routine or something.
More Blogs
Friday Jan 21, 2005
ok, so i'm on my friend Cj's computer..i'm home for the weekend. i fi… -
Friday Jan 07, 2005
i'm sitting at Gamer's Guild in Spring Lake, NC right now. still hunt… -
Saturday Jan 01, 2005
spent last night drinking with a bunch of lesbians. was fun, but coul… -
Tuesday Dec 28, 2004
muahahaha..here is the photographic evidence: check out the pics i… -
Monday Dec 27, 2004
yeah, so uh.... … -
Sunday Dec 26, 2004
my dad and i were sitting at the table this morning (while our power,… -
Thursday Dec 23, 2004
$1750 is what it's going to cost to get a new engine and all the bell… -
Thursday Dec 23, 2004
i'll tell you..life just doesn't get any better than this. my car … -
Sunday Dec 19, 2004
i get a call wednesday from my old job telling me that they have some… -
Tuesday Dec 14, 2004
so everyone i've talked to either isn't hiring, isn't hiring until af…
If Fast Food Nation wasn't proof enough, check out what else those cheeseburgers'll do to ya!