today i went back to my regular job of delivering. on a normal/busy day we do about three, maybe four deliveries. today...we did seven. yes, seven. but it wasn't too bad, i didn't get yelled at by anyone, nor did i have to yell AT anyone. i'm not even going to go into my rant about tomorrow (valentine's day and venerial disease: same initials. coincidence? absolutely. but it still means something to conspiracy theorists, i'm sure). i forgot to mention that on wednesday, when both of the sales ladies were at work, one of them had a sales paper from one of the local jewelry stores. as i was walking by her desk coming back from lunch she called me over and started showing me things in the paper that *i* could buy *her*. in not so many words, i told her, "umm, no." her response: "look at this one, david! it's only $399!" whether or not you actually see the humor in this that i have intended, if you knew this lady, you would appreciate it much more.
something i noticed today, too...i actually caught myself using the word "axe" to mean "interrogate" in a conversation with someone. someone shoot me. least kidnap me and take me somewhere that i won't be exposed to the bad grammar demons 

i should note that i almost always dumb down my conversations so that i'll fit in better with ..whoever i'm talking to. but that's usually a conscious thing. with this today, i got halfway through the "a" sound before i realized what i was saying. at that point it was too late to stop, so i decided just to continue and torment myself over it for the remainder of the day.