so suddenly i don't hate my life quite so much. rather than being on the delivery truck, i stayed on the sales floor today. we only have two full-time was off, and the other went home sick. so i pretty much had the selling part all to myself. not exactly what i had in mind, just being thrown out there by myself..but apparently i've been paying attention enough and i have enough common sense that there weren't many problems. i sold two frickin big screen TVs. how's THAT for your first day? i also sold a couple of other small things, but nevertheless..i get my regular hourly pay, plus the commission from this i get a raise next week..i'm on such a natural high right now. doesn't mean i'm rolling in the money, but shit, it's better than it was before. (did i mention i'm also getting my tax refund in a week or two? PARTAY)
naw, it was just a trial thing. my boss says eventually it'll be full-time, but not yet. what's cool though is that after a few more days of this here and there i'll have some experience, so if i happen to find another job opportunity somewhere, i'll have something else i can tell them i can do. so yeah, i'm still kinda giddy.
Woo-hoo!!!! Today salesroom.....tomorrow enron.....LOL