Holy shit I've not been updating at all lately. I used to do like one a day and have a gazillion friends.
I'm such a loser.
I got some new tattoos but I'm being really lazy and slow with the whole taking pictures and posting them...
I'm so depressed today and I don't know why. I bought some new cds and they're very not punk...they're very emo/indie/alternative. This surprises me but I think it's because I'm feeling down and wanting to listen to something that's a little relaxing and not so in-your-face-makes-me-want-to-kick-some-ass type music. I hope that I'll get out of this funk soon. It's really starting to bum me out.
I'm having relationship issues in that I don't have one and can't seem to get one. Everytime I get into someone I lose intrest as soon as they start to show intrest in me. What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't know that I want a girl/boyfriend but I'm starting to get real fucking lonely. The guys I'm interested in are:
1.) not interested in me (because I'm not "punk" enough)
2.) probably not even good for me because they tend to share a few common things like: no job, no education, no motivation...you get the drift...
3.) dirty punk (and I LOVE it)
and don't even get me started on the girl scene. I can't even get a lady to take me seriously. I'm not being picky here, but honestly I'd rather be with a girl than a guy, but in the past the girls I've been with are WAY too clingy and get too weird for me...
CAN'T I FIND SOMEONE NORMAL? Okay, well, not normal because I am far from that...but someone like me? Someone that likes me?
Ugh. I just threw up a little. I'm disgusting even myself. Why am I being so fucking needy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I'm going to go get some wine and cheese and watch a movie. I borrowed the Lord of the Rings trilogy from my sister...anyone wanna come over for a pity party?
I'm such a loser.
I got some new tattoos but I'm being really lazy and slow with the whole taking pictures and posting them...
I'm so depressed today and I don't know why. I bought some new cds and they're very not punk...they're very emo/indie/alternative. This surprises me but I think it's because I'm feeling down and wanting to listen to something that's a little relaxing and not so in-your-face-makes-me-want-to-kick-some-ass type music. I hope that I'll get out of this funk soon. It's really starting to bum me out.
I'm having relationship issues in that I don't have one and can't seem to get one. Everytime I get into someone I lose intrest as soon as they start to show intrest in me. What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't know that I want a girl/boyfriend but I'm starting to get real fucking lonely. The guys I'm interested in are:
1.) not interested in me (because I'm not "punk" enough)
2.) probably not even good for me because they tend to share a few common things like: no job, no education, no motivation...you get the drift...
3.) dirty punk (and I LOVE it)
and don't even get me started on the girl scene. I can't even get a lady to take me seriously. I'm not being picky here, but honestly I'd rather be with a girl than a guy, but in the past the girls I've been with are WAY too clingy and get too weird for me...
CAN'T I FIND SOMEONE NORMAL? Okay, well, not normal because I am far from that...but someone like me? Someone that likes me?
Ugh. I just threw up a little. I'm disgusting even myself. Why am I being so fucking needy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I'm going to go get some wine and cheese and watch a movie. I borrowed the Lord of the Rings trilogy from my sister...anyone wanna come over for a pity party?
I've given up on trying to define that as well...but then again, I'd rather be me than "normal" any day 

So how are you my e-girlfriend? lol Your gorgous as always!