1. Made out for more than 3 minutes?
2. Slept in a different bed?
Different than...a bed of lies? Nails?
3. Made out in a movie theater?
4. made out with 2 different people in one night?
I'm sure.
5. Thought your cousin was hot?
I'm in California, not Arkansas.
6. Been in love?
Yes. Don't know if I will again.
7. Slept past noon?
Hell. I'm working night shift.
8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex?
9. Gone over the speed limit?
10. Painted your room?
No...just it's something that I want to dored
12. Danced in front of your mirror?
Hells yeah.
13. Gotten a hickey?
I don't allow them.
14. Been dumped?
Gah! Yeeees.
15. Stole money from a friend?
Ummmfriends don't do that.
16. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
Yeah. I let this kid into my car when I was in San Francisco so he could tell me how to get to Monterey St.
17. Been in a fist fight?
Not anything serious. I'm too aggressive. I think I scare anybody before I can throw any punches.
18. Snuck out of your house?
Pretty sure not.
19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
Of course.
20. Been arrested?
Temporarily detaineda few times...but never booked!
21. Made out with a stranger?
Once. Would've been cool if it wasn't awkward.
22. Left your house with out telling your parents?
Yeah, I'm 23 and I live about 500 miles away from them...
23. Had a crush on your neighbor?
24. Ditched school to do something more fun?
25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex?
Yes and yes.
26. Seen someone die?
I work for the fire department. What do you think?
27. Been on a plane?
Quite a lot, actually.
28. Kissed a picture?
It just wasn't that into me, though.
29. Slept in the opposite sex's bed?
Yeah. I miss it.
30. Love someone or miss someone right now?
Oh yes.
31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
32. Made a snow angel?
When I was young and silly.
33. Played dress up?
Still love to.
34. Cheated while playing a game?
Probably when I was younger playing Go Fish or something. No time in particular though.
35. Been lonely?
36. Fallen asleep at work/school
37. Been to a club?
I am a 23 year old girl!
38. Felt an earthquake?
Um, hi. California.
39. Touched a snake?
40. Ran a red light?
41. Been suspended from school?
Nopewell, in-house
42. Had detention..
Some Saturday school
43. Been in a car?
Is this really a question?
44. Hated the way you look?
Every bloody day.
45. Witnessed a crime?
Crimes against fashion!
47. Been to the opposite side of the country?
Used to live in Massachusetts.
49. Cried yourself to sleep?
50. Sang karaoke?
Unfortunately for those around me!
51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
Thank god no.
53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Yeah I think so.
54. Kissed in the rain?
55. Sung in the shower?
Not just in the shower.
56. Had a dream that you married someone?
Can't remember.
57. Played getting married?
58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
"Come on guys, don't leave me here!" Nope.
59. Ever gone to school partially nude?
60. Been a blind date?
61. Sat on a roof top?
Yeah. Watched tankers drop on a fire just a ways away from my parents house. Very cool.
62. Didn't take a shower for a week?
Yeah, because I'm a disgusting pig that likes to wallow in her own filth. Please.
63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Not really...
64. Played chicken?
No but I played ptarmigan once.
65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
No. But FELL into a pool with all my clothes on...
66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
I think the term he used was "goddess."
67. Broken a bone?
"See that smudge that looks like a fingerprint, there? That's not a fingerprint! That's trauma!" My arm, but I only wore the cast for about a week...not even that. I never believed that it was broken. Oh, and maybe some toes.
68. Been easily amused?
24/7. Simple mind, simple pleasures.
69. Laugh so hard you cry?
Yes. Again, easily amused.
70. Cheated on a test?
71. Forgotten someone's name?
A lot. At work. Terribly embarrassing.
72. Blacked out from drinking?
God no. But from rage?
73. Played a prank on someone?
74. Gone to a late night movie?
76. Failed a class?
Oh, who are we kidding. 4 years of college and I don't think I passed half of my classes.
77. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?
Once I choked on a giraffe's neck.
78. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?
Not in a row!
79. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Yeah. I'm a shit.
80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July?
Yeah. Nothing says "Go, America!" like a tropical-themed party.
81. Thrown strange objects?
I threw a taco bell bean burrito at a girl's car once, back in high school...
82. Felt like someone else?
Once I woke up and I was Jude Law.
83. Thought about running away?
WWIII will find me in Switzerland.
84. Ran away?
85. Had detention and not attend it?
No, I went.
86. Made parents cry?
Nothing in the world is worse than making your daddy cry.
87. Cried over someone?
Wasted tears.
88. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
Yes. Why? Is that weird?
89. Dated someone more than once?
Like "on-again-off-again"? Yeah.
90. Have a dog?
Not right now, although I'm seriously considering it.
91. Own an instrument?
An electric guitar, an electric-acoustic guitar and my vocal chords.
92. Been in a band?
huhI wish.
93. Drank 25 sodas in a day?
Do I look like a hummingbird?
94. Broken a cd?
Always intentionally.
95. Shot a gun?
Hells yeah! 30-06, .38, .357, numerous pellet and bb gunsLove it, love it!
96. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours?
No. I have a life.
97. Fell asleep at the computer?
98. Have a major crush on someone right now?
Yes. Still.
99. Have a religion?
Not so much a religion...
100. Thought about what people would say at your funeral?
No. I refuse to waste my time. I'd like to hope it's something nice though.
1. Made out for more than 3 minutes?
2. Slept in a different bed?
Different than...a bed of lies? Nails?
3. Made out in a movie theater?
4. made out with 2 different people in one night?
I'm sure.
5. Thought your cousin was hot?
I'm in California, not Arkansas.
6. Been in love?
Yes. Don't know if I will again.
7. Slept past noon?
Hell. I'm working night shift.
8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex?
9. Gone over the speed limit?
10. Painted your room?
No...just it's something that I want to dored
12. Danced in front of your mirror?
Hells yeah.
13. Gotten a hickey?
I don't allow them.
14. Been dumped?
Gah! Yeeees.
15. Stole money from a friend?
Ummmfriends don't do that.
16. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
Yeah. I let this kid into my car when I was in San Francisco so he could tell me how to get to Monterey St.
17. Been in a fist fight?
Not anything serious. I'm too aggressive. I think I scare anybody before I can throw any punches.
18. Snuck out of your house?
Pretty sure not.
19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
Of course.
20. Been arrested?
Temporarily detaineda few times...but never booked!
21. Made out with a stranger?
Once. Would've been cool if it wasn't awkward.
22. Left your house with out telling your parents?
Yeah, I'm 23 and I live about 500 miles away from them...
23. Had a crush on your neighbor?
24. Ditched school to do something more fun?
25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex?
Yes and yes.
26. Seen someone die?
I work for the fire department. What do you think?
27. Been on a plane?
Quite a lot, actually.
28. Kissed a picture?
It just wasn't that into me, though.
29. Slept in the opposite sex's bed?
Yeah. I miss it.
30. Love someone or miss someone right now?
Oh yes.
31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
32. Made a snow angel?
When I was young and silly.
33. Played dress up?
Still love to.
34. Cheated while playing a game?
Probably when I was younger playing Go Fish or something. No time in particular though.
35. Been lonely?
36. Fallen asleep at work/school
37. Been to a club?
I am a 23 year old girl!
38. Felt an earthquake?
Um, hi. California.
39. Touched a snake?
40. Ran a red light?
41. Been suspended from school?
Nopewell, in-house
42. Had detention..
Some Saturday school
43. Been in a car?
Is this really a question?
44. Hated the way you look?
Every bloody day.
45. Witnessed a crime?
Crimes against fashion!
47. Been to the opposite side of the country?
Used to live in Massachusetts.
49. Cried yourself to sleep?
50. Sang karaoke?
Unfortunately for those around me!
51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
Thank god no.
53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Yeah I think so.
54. Kissed in the rain?
55. Sung in the shower?
Not just in the shower.
56. Had a dream that you married someone?
Can't remember.
57. Played getting married?
58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
"Come on guys, don't leave me here!" Nope.
59. Ever gone to school partially nude?
60. Been a blind date?
61. Sat on a roof top?
Yeah. Watched tankers drop on a fire just a ways away from my parents house. Very cool.
62. Didn't take a shower for a week?
Yeah, because I'm a disgusting pig that likes to wallow in her own filth. Please.
63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Not really...
64. Played chicken?
No but I played ptarmigan once.
65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
No. But FELL into a pool with all my clothes on...
66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
I think the term he used was "goddess."
67. Broken a bone?
"See that smudge that looks like a fingerprint, there? That's not a fingerprint! That's trauma!" My arm, but I only wore the cast for about a week...not even that. I never believed that it was broken. Oh, and maybe some toes.
68. Been easily amused?
24/7. Simple mind, simple pleasures.
69. Laugh so hard you cry?
Yes. Again, easily amused.
70. Cheated on a test?
71. Forgotten someone's name?
A lot. At work. Terribly embarrassing.
72. Blacked out from drinking?
God no. But from rage?
73. Played a prank on someone?
74. Gone to a late night movie?
76. Failed a class?
Oh, who are we kidding. 4 years of college and I don't think I passed half of my classes.
77. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?
Once I choked on a giraffe's neck.
78. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?
Not in a row!
79. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Yeah. I'm a shit.
80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July?
Yeah. Nothing says "Go, America!" like a tropical-themed party.
81. Thrown strange objects?
I threw a taco bell bean burrito at a girl's car once, back in high school...
82. Felt like someone else?
Once I woke up and I was Jude Law.
83. Thought about running away?
WWIII will find me in Switzerland.
84. Ran away?
85. Had detention and not attend it?
No, I went.
86. Made parents cry?
Nothing in the world is worse than making your daddy cry.
87. Cried over someone?
Wasted tears.
88. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
Yes. Why? Is that weird?
89. Dated someone more than once?
Like "on-again-off-again"? Yeah.
90. Have a dog?
Not right now, although I'm seriously considering it.
91. Own an instrument?
An electric guitar, an electric-acoustic guitar and my vocal chords.
92. Been in a band?
huhI wish.
93. Drank 25 sodas in a day?
Do I look like a hummingbird?
94. Broken a cd?
Always intentionally.
95. Shot a gun?
Hells yeah! 30-06, .38, .357, numerous pellet and bb gunsLove it, love it!
96. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours?
No. I have a life.
97. Fell asleep at the computer?
98. Have a major crush on someone right now?
Yes. Still.
99. Have a religion?
Not so much a religion...
100. Thought about what people would say at your funeral?
No. I refuse to waste my time. I'd like to hope it's something nice though.
Your beautiful!

Lol I'd love to have you for an e-girlfriend hun! Your total hotness!!!