Karli the wonder Barbie (my fuckhead new roommate) is fucking her ex-boyfriend right now. Again. Ever since Marsha and Steve and I confronted her about ripping us off she's either been absent completely or she's had someone (mainly Brandon the wonder ASSHOLE aka. her ex-boyfriend) with her. I personally think that he's just getting fucked and doesn't care where it comes from, but she's a GIRL. Of course she's doing the "if I fuck him he'll come back to me" dance, and more power to her. I just hoped that in the month between them breaking up and them fucking (tonight) she got some lovely VD and is now sharing it. Sharing is caring right? Right. That's what I thought. I get SO mad when they fuck because she is LOUD (and not plesantly so) and he must fuck her CA-RAZY because I can hear the shit banging up against the wall above me. Okay, well I don't really get that mad because I just imagine terrible things happening to the both of them and turn up my t.v., and smile because I know a few things that Karli the wonder Barbie doesn't know:
1. I won't pay my rent until she produces the lease agreement with the REAL rent ammount on it.
2. I won't pay the utilities as she wants because she thinks that she's going to get me to pay on accounts that were diliquent before I even got here...yeah fucking right. I may have been born in the morning, but it wasn't this fucking morning!
3. The $500 check that I made out to her for my cat has been stopped via internet banking (gotta love that shit!) so she can go find someone else to pay for her little $600 trips to Long Beach and $150 pair of jeans...and shit.
4. Steve and Marsha and I are all in agreement on these terms, so not only will Karli the wonder SLUT NOT be getting MY money, she won't be getting anyone elses either.
5. Suck on that shit, Barbie. We know you like it!
I went shopping with my mom and sister today. I didn't really get anything special but I got some new stuff for my piercings...jewllery that is...and then we went and hung out on the beach where my sister and I tried fairly unsucessfully to fly our kites (there wasn't a lot of wind) and then we went back to my sister's house and watched Cast Away...(blah...I like Tom Hanks...but that movie's not my favorite...) and now I'm home, on-line, doing nothing but bitching about Barbie the wonder slut and Ken the wonder asshat...loverly night, indeed.
I just put on the movie, Made. It's a great movie. Fucking fantastic. Just like me.
Endaksi. Kalinikta. Onira glyca.
1. I won't pay my rent until she produces the lease agreement with the REAL rent ammount on it.
2. I won't pay the utilities as she wants because she thinks that she's going to get me to pay on accounts that were diliquent before I even got here...yeah fucking right. I may have been born in the morning, but it wasn't this fucking morning!
3. The $500 check that I made out to her for my cat has been stopped via internet banking (gotta love that shit!) so she can go find someone else to pay for her little $600 trips to Long Beach and $150 pair of jeans...and shit.
4. Steve and Marsha and I are all in agreement on these terms, so not only will Karli the wonder SLUT NOT be getting MY money, she won't be getting anyone elses either.
5. Suck on that shit, Barbie. We know you like it!
I went shopping with my mom and sister today. I didn't really get anything special but I got some new stuff for my piercings...jewllery that is...and then we went and hung out on the beach where my sister and I tried fairly unsucessfully to fly our kites (there wasn't a lot of wind) and then we went back to my sister's house and watched Cast Away...(blah...I like Tom Hanks...but that movie's not my favorite...) and now I'm home, on-line, doing nothing but bitching about Barbie the wonder slut and Ken the wonder asshat...loverly night, indeed.
I just put on the movie, Made. It's a great movie. Fucking fantastic. Just like me.
Endaksi. Kalinikta. Onira glyca.
Na, I won't delete your comments - I had people comment with pretty similar things on my Livejournal - and it's ok 

And yeah - make her attack you - so that way you can punch her in the face all in self defense...sounds AMAZING to me