Naked Mole Rat Dreams
I'm going to Fremont to see my grandpa. He's out of the hospital...more driving for me...yippie!!!
(I must be stupid for taking a raod trip memorial day weekend...:puke

Here are some silly hampsters for your viewing pleasure...

Have a good memorial day weekend...
not that there isn't a lot going on in my life or anything, because there is. i think its just hard to talk on here anymore. too many people i know. and i've got a few stalker boyfriends who like to read my journal. (and then come up with hideous excuses about how they got that info when questioned
blah. i used to really like this place for getting out all that crap that builds up inside. oh well. life always gets in the way of fantasy, doesn't it.
hope you are ok, over there. i know slavewire misses you like mad! all we do when we hang out is talk about our lovers and how far away they are and how much we love them.