Recently, this has been disturbing me:
I believe that the human race will become extinct by mechanism of self-destruction. If its not war, mass genocide, global warming (Ha!), or the like; it will be because instead of allowing our old to continue to grow old and die, we try to preserve them. Instead of letting the sick get sick, we make them well. We try to contain the spread of the infection by any means necessary. We launch pre-emptive (I just love that word) strikes against disease, infection, and virus, instead of letting it take its course. In the wild, a predator species size in a certain geographical location is directly dependant upon the amount of prey species in that same location. The number of prey diminishes ergo the number of predators. In Alaska, a pack of timber wolves lives are dependant on the number of caribou within their packs territory. The caribous lives, however depend within the livelihood of the wolf pack. The caribou need the wolves to hunt and kill the old, the weak, the sick members in their herd, in order to stay overpopulation and eventual decimation. The same for every predator/prey situation, humans included. Humans dont live according to that statute, like every other species on earth. If it isnt what we eat, or what feeds what we eat; we kill it. Wipe it out. What other species on the planet does this? Are our advanced brains blessings, or a curses? If our prey diminishes, we do not reduce accordingly, instead we build more, work harder move faster, burn hotter (more hot?)to continue our growth and expansion.
I could go on about this for a long time but I wont.
(If you dont get where Im going with that, then youre a moron and you should probably go put some chlorine in your gene pool.)
BUT this is not what disturbs me. No. Its that I truly think that the human race would be better if we could embrace death as just another part of existence and that we dont need to keep old people young or make sick people healthy. Its NATURES way of keeping our population in check.
And my moms had MS since I was 9 years old. It DISTURBS me that I feel this way about people; about humans, and my mom would be one of them. Im not cold, and I love my mom, but sometimes I wonder if I just came to terms with my moms painful, slow, eventual demise a long time ago, or if Im just in denial about this. (Dont comment on that, pleasejust internal ramblings.)
ALSO Im extremely dissapointed if the guy who did chefs voice on Southpark REALLY quit because they made fun of Scientology. IF he did (and Im not saying he did, Im just spouting off at the rumors and Im too lazy and stoned to look up the fact and if you wanna be a literal asshole and rudely point out the truth and call me an idiot [in so many words] go ahead, but then Ill just think youre an asshole. So there.)ahemif he DID quit for those reasons, Id now like to point out what a filthy fucking hypocrite he is. He can do the voices for that show while they make fun of everything else under the sun (Christians, Muslims, homosexuals, republicans, democrats, actors, actresses, aliens, poop, menstrual cycles, Blacks, Whites, Asians, Jews, and Oh My Fuck a lot of other stuff (feel free to comment on anything I forgot) BUT as soon as they make fun of his religion hes off the show.
If he quit for that reason then hes a son of a bitch and I say good riddance.
I dont know whats wrong with me, but right now I hate the world. I hate everything. I only dont hate a few things, and that is my vanilla-pineapple-orange-banana smoothie, my drugs and my Wolfie.
I wish my faith in humanity could be, at least somewhat, restored.
*SIGH* (A big emo one.)
I believe that the human race will become extinct by mechanism of self-destruction. If its not war, mass genocide, global warming (Ha!), or the like; it will be because instead of allowing our old to continue to grow old and die, we try to preserve them. Instead of letting the sick get sick, we make them well. We try to contain the spread of the infection by any means necessary. We launch pre-emptive (I just love that word) strikes against disease, infection, and virus, instead of letting it take its course. In the wild, a predator species size in a certain geographical location is directly dependant upon the amount of prey species in that same location. The number of prey diminishes ergo the number of predators. In Alaska, a pack of timber wolves lives are dependant on the number of caribou within their packs territory. The caribous lives, however depend within the livelihood of the wolf pack. The caribou need the wolves to hunt and kill the old, the weak, the sick members in their herd, in order to stay overpopulation and eventual decimation. The same for every predator/prey situation, humans included. Humans dont live according to that statute, like every other species on earth. If it isnt what we eat, or what feeds what we eat; we kill it. Wipe it out. What other species on the planet does this? Are our advanced brains blessings, or a curses? If our prey diminishes, we do not reduce accordingly, instead we build more, work harder move faster, burn hotter (more hot?)to continue our growth and expansion.
I could go on about this for a long time but I wont.
(If you dont get where Im going with that, then youre a moron and you should probably go put some chlorine in your gene pool.)
BUT this is not what disturbs me. No. Its that I truly think that the human race would be better if we could embrace death as just another part of existence and that we dont need to keep old people young or make sick people healthy. Its NATURES way of keeping our population in check.
And my moms had MS since I was 9 years old. It DISTURBS me that I feel this way about people; about humans, and my mom would be one of them. Im not cold, and I love my mom, but sometimes I wonder if I just came to terms with my moms painful, slow, eventual demise a long time ago, or if Im just in denial about this. (Dont comment on that, pleasejust internal ramblings.)
ALSO Im extremely dissapointed if the guy who did chefs voice on Southpark REALLY quit because they made fun of Scientology. IF he did (and Im not saying he did, Im just spouting off at the rumors and Im too lazy and stoned to look up the fact and if you wanna be a literal asshole and rudely point out the truth and call me an idiot [in so many words] go ahead, but then Ill just think youre an asshole. So there.)ahemif he DID quit for those reasons, Id now like to point out what a filthy fucking hypocrite he is. He can do the voices for that show while they make fun of everything else under the sun (Christians, Muslims, homosexuals, republicans, democrats, actors, actresses, aliens, poop, menstrual cycles, Blacks, Whites, Asians, Jews, and Oh My Fuck a lot of other stuff (feel free to comment on anything I forgot) BUT as soon as they make fun of his religion hes off the show.
If he quit for that reason then hes a son of a bitch and I say good riddance.
I dont know whats wrong with me, but right now I hate the world. I hate everything. I only dont hate a few things, and that is my vanilla-pineapple-orange-banana smoothie, my drugs and my Wolfie.
I wish my faith in humanity could be, at least somewhat, restored.
*SIGH* (A big emo one.)

The overpopulation of rabbits in Australia.
Rabbits are not natural to Australia and so when humans introduced them to that habitat they exploded(in population not literally), simply because the eco system over there was not used to them.
Also I agree, with what you say and with the fact that Isaak Hayes(Chef) is a hypocrite.
One rule for one, and another rule for another.