I've been very concieted lately...and with good reason. I'm fucking hot!
Excuse me. I just made myself pee a little.
I've been playing on the computer...
This is me looking very 1930's...quality photography, that is...ahem...
And for your final viewing pleasure:
Thanks to everyone that made me smile this last week with your comments on my new profile pic...
...like everyone that commented...you guys fucking rock!
Sometime right around 1400 hrs., Monday, February 13th 2006, will occour the uncontested, happiest, most fantastic, bestest day of my entire (-ly short) life (thus far...)!!! Sometime right around 1400 hrs., Monday, February 13th 2006, will occour the best minute of the best hour of the best afternoon of the best day of the best week of the best month of the best season of the best year of the best decade of the best FUCKING ANYTIME of my life!
I can't sleep...
I wish that time would speed up during times of anticipation and slow down when I'm having fun. Why does it have to be the other way around???
Now, I sleep.
Ah, who am I kidding.
Now I go to lay on my bed and flip through the channels until it's time to go to work tomorrow.

Excuse me. I just made myself pee a little.
I've been playing on the computer...

This is me looking very 1930's...quality photography, that is...ahem...

And for your final viewing pleasure:

Sometime right around 1400 hrs., Monday, February 13th 2006, will occour the uncontested, happiest, most fantastic, bestest day of my entire (-ly short) life (thus far...)!!! Sometime right around 1400 hrs., Monday, February 13th 2006, will occour the best minute of the best hour of the best afternoon of the best day of the best week of the best month of the best season of the best year of the best decade of the best FUCKING ANYTIME of my life!
I can't sleep...

I wish that time would speed up during times of anticipation and slow down when I'm having fun. Why does it have to be the other way around???

Now, I sleep.
Ah, who am I kidding.
Now I go to lay on my bed and flip through the channels until it's time to go to work tomorrow.
happy, happy, pffft, would you be happy turning 27!?
Wow, you must be having a blast right about now....lucky ducky