Pickle? I don't like pickles. Motorcycles kick ass but I'm a puss and won't get one. My little sis says she'll kill me and it would be hard to transport my dog with one.
A challenge huh? Well I'm always entertained by your blogs so I guess you have been doing that already. How about jokes, stupid human tricks or nudie pics. Had to throw that in! Take it easy girl. I'll smoke a fatty for ya.
I've canceled my subscription today. I have until May 4, 2008 and my account will not be renewed. There is too much drama going on here with Lithium Picnic and Sean and the girls and it's just too much. I figure that I've got enough drama-rama in my life to have to need to pay for it anymore...
Everyone, should they care to, can find... Read More
Well it boils down to a lot of egos being on this site, and a lot of people who have demands and expect special treatment - that's where a lot of the rumours and stuff stem from.
I am now officially on vacation for 2 1/2 weeks. Dontcha love it?
I still have some packing to do because I'm a slacker, but it's hard to know what to pack when you don't know exactly where you're going and what you'll be doing I suppose...
The reason I red shoes make me sad is my mother has an unhealthy obsession with them. Being dragged around shoe shops as a small child and returning home with mum and yet another pair of red shoes has somehow scarred me for life.
"Above all we should not forget, that government is an evil, an usurpation upon the private judgment and individual conscience of mankind; and that, however we may be obliged to admit it as a necessary evil for the present, it behooves us, as the friends of reason and the human species, to admit as little of it as possible, and carefully to observe whether, in... Read More
Je deteste dormir sans une prsence. les surprises semblent allger ma solitude. alors je ramne quelqu'un dans mon lit. a fin de dcouvrir comment je me sens. comme un bb. portrait d'une femme. affiche d'une fille. portrait d'une femme. affiche d'une fille.
Me satisfaire. eviter les novices ceux qui cherchent me faire taire. jusqu' ce que je rentre avec l'un d'eux.... Read More