God I havent written anything here for a year or more!

I'll be quitting this journal cos i'm off to Australia to get married to the love of my life in September. I am so fuckin stoked! smile smile smile

I must say this is a pretty cool collection of people on this here website and its been fun!

Suicide Girls rocks!

biggrin biggrin biggrin
awwwwww how sweet. which part of Australia? where did you meet her? hope you have a blast. good luck with your future. smile
I love coming home - its an amazing fest of eating good food (so thats what a vegetable is!!!) and sleeping in my own bed. Aaaahh thats better!

And i got to see my cat again (he's sooooo fucking cute).

But alas its all over too soon and tomorrow i begin the long train journey back up to leeds and my stupid 60 hour weeks...
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yes, being at home is so comfy!! smile

kiss skull
Well its been fucking ages since i updated my journal!!! Working far too many hours making people multicoloured drinks then watching them drink themsleves into oblivion.

Its wierd how time move at such different paces - i'm going throough a hyperfast phase at the mo. Not enough minutes in each hour.

Hope all is well with everyone in Suicidegirl land!

By the way - i...
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Hey mang... good to see you the other day. Be even better to see you looking like you weren't fucking exhausted! Hope all works out with finding a new place to live. Catch up soon. I like cold beverage, yeah... I like cold beverage, yeah
I have to learn how to be a cocktail man next week. I get to be just like Tom Cruise! Hmmm.. tongue
lily chou chou? no unfortunately not, i need to bone up on my films swiftly.

hmmm, i really wanna cocktail now kiss
Well Leeds is still the same as ever - has some nice weather though so we just had a huge picnic. i can almost stand this country when its warm ... almost. smile

I am still trying to understand she who is woman ... dont think i'll ever get there but. confused

hope everyone is well!!!!!
So I decided to go for a run (for some reason i love running round the countryside of Oxfordshire when its pitch black) and scared my self half to death - i kept on thinking i could see and hear stuff that wasnt there confused

But i came to this clearing with enough of a break to see the moodiest sky and the most brilliant moon...
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Incidentally I just got an email from HBO, 6FU starts again here June 13th. eeek
yeah probably please take me out for a walk!!! lol miao!!
Well its back off to the North tomorrow after my short break down in Oxford. Feels like a new beginning is here after all the messed up crap of the last month or so.

In fact, I am quite looking forward to it... smile

oooh and i have the final session on my sleeve on thursday - i'll definitely put up a new pic when its...
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hmmm yeah i wonder why he chose yellow too! maybe in a past life he was a tweenie!

these nuggets contain no actual chicken...hence the "chich'n". I guess that missing "e" makes all the difference!
glad you had fun in Oxford. I went there once and it was so cold I thought I was going to die! skull
I just sent off my MA applications biggrin

Japanese studies or photojournalism. Hmm could i have picked two more completely different subjects??? At least i know that if i get on one of them i am finally gonna be doing something i am interested in

Never do a law degree - it turns out if you dont want to be a lawyer they're about as much...
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thanks for the comments you left in my journal. smile the spray of blue in my tatt is the fairy dust she's blowing from her hand. smile
nice choices; japanese studies for me if it wasnt for the fact i'm terminally crap at languages, much envy.

i know exactly how you feel; never start a human rights degree because you think you can develop discipline and stop perving over actresses, movie pre-production titbits and japanese things, and whatever comes under the banner of all three, it just doesnt work.

where abouts are you based/ or planning to do MA, if you dont mind me asking?

(note: i wrote a nice but geekishly thorough rant about how the reviews on 'ruthless reviews' about american psycho entirely missed the main point, and the editor wrote back three hours later with intelligent arguments, and told me about the comp; i was very pleased since i've never had a reply from a site before let alone when i'm ranting and on the same day... i'll stop babbling now, its just something i do biggrin )
God i feel rough! puke

I have a date on tuesday which is wierd cos i havent gone out someone i've randomly met for ages. I forget, do i just get drunk and ramble on about how the Smashing Pumpkins were my fave band growing up???

Sounds like a game plan to me!!! eeek tongue eeek
Hehehe!Good luck with the date! kiss
Do you ever wonder what goes through someone elses mind - or even if they have a mind at all. tonight i witnessed the beating of an immigrant and in trying to bring the fuckhead who did it to justice nearly got arrested. The police were no use and wouldnt accept that i was telling the truth until they found out i had a law...
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I love my sleeve and i cant wait to have my forearm done! I must put up a new picture... blush
I havent updated my journal since my girlfriend split up with me but this week i found out that she got it together with a good friend of mine who is also (actually i cant say what else he is lest it reflect badly on his business). I give up!

aww sorry to hear that man.