Well, I've been 21 for two months now and the novelty has warn off but it's still nice to be able to go to the bar whenever I want, like last night for example I was feeling heat in my head and went to Cowgirls Inc with my friend Bruce to cool down. The whole adventure kind of spontaneously manifested itself we were sitting on the couch bored one moment and the next moment were getting drunk and getting wild. After a couple dozen drinks I ended up spending the night in downtown Seattle when I woke up there was a lovely naked girl lying next to me one of the bar dancers Jamie and so I think my random bar trip of eroticism may have been destined cause it ended my 4 dry months of no sex. Im not just happy about getting laid Im happy cause not only did I get laid but she was one of the most attractive girls Ive ever had sex with and thats good times!!
In fact I have to say I'm in quite a damn good mood right now.
So yeah about two weeks ago I had a really bad run in with drugs, I'm not ashamed to admit I smoke the herb on a regular basis and enjoy the shroomies a few times a year. Now let me explain, my rules about drugs have always been that I keep it natural, that means no synthetics, and if it ever starts affecting my life; for example causing me to miss work or starts stupefying me so I can't be a good technician; then I'll quit doing drugs. Up until a couple weeks ago I've never had any problems, drugs have treated me wonderfully, pot has kept me relaxed, and shrooms make me feel enlightened. Unfortunately though I broke one of my cardinal rules. I was going to buy some mary jane and my buddy with the bud tells me to stick out my hand, so I do, the fucker drops two drops of something on my hand and at this point Im figuring that Im going to be high no matter what I do so I lick it off and end up doing a synthetic drug.
Well the first six hours of being high I end up really enjoying I have this nice psychedelic trip going not too unlike shrooms except it makes me very easily aroused, it seems to have more visual affects and it has less of a mind expanding affect than shrooms. Anyways you get the point Im high and liking it but I have to work the next day and I need to get to sleep, well I couldnt sleep, I laid down and stared at the ceiling wide awake talking to myself until the sun came up and then I realized I was still high and 14 hours into it without a single wink of sleep. At this point Im getting a little nervous because Im supposed to be at work in an hour but since Im still high I call in a personal day and everyone thinks Im sick cause Im talking weird. So I head over to my friends house and I cant stop talking at this point I gave up on sleeping literally talked about the strangest shit for about 8 hours smoked ganja and still couldnt sleep. I head home after hanging out for a while and try to get some sleep but I start getting really paranoid I think everyone is scheming against me and Im scared shitless cause I still cant sleep. Finally more then forty hours after I took the stuff I fell asleep. Anyways the point is I went against one of my rules and it was no good I really felt like I was freaking out, I thought I went past the point of no return in my mind, but fortunately after catching up on sleep I had no permanent damage from the experience. It did however go to strengthen my opinion that no one should do synthetics. If you must taint your mind with drugs keep it natural like me!!!
-Chris (The Master of Purple Prose)

So yeah about two weeks ago I had a really bad run in with drugs, I'm not ashamed to admit I smoke the herb on a regular basis and enjoy the shroomies a few times a year. Now let me explain, my rules about drugs have always been that I keep it natural, that means no synthetics, and if it ever starts affecting my life; for example causing me to miss work or starts stupefying me so I can't be a good technician; then I'll quit doing drugs. Up until a couple weeks ago I've never had any problems, drugs have treated me wonderfully, pot has kept me relaxed, and shrooms make me feel enlightened. Unfortunately though I broke one of my cardinal rules. I was going to buy some mary jane and my buddy with the bud tells me to stick out my hand, so I do, the fucker drops two drops of something on my hand and at this point Im figuring that Im going to be high no matter what I do so I lick it off and end up doing a synthetic drug.
Well the first six hours of being high I end up really enjoying I have this nice psychedelic trip going not too unlike shrooms except it makes me very easily aroused, it seems to have more visual affects and it has less of a mind expanding affect than shrooms. Anyways you get the point Im high and liking it but I have to work the next day and I need to get to sleep, well I couldnt sleep, I laid down and stared at the ceiling wide awake talking to myself until the sun came up and then I realized I was still high and 14 hours into it without a single wink of sleep. At this point Im getting a little nervous because Im supposed to be at work in an hour but since Im still high I call in a personal day and everyone thinks Im sick cause Im talking weird. So I head over to my friends house and I cant stop talking at this point I gave up on sleeping literally talked about the strangest shit for about 8 hours smoked ganja and still couldnt sleep. I head home after hanging out for a while and try to get some sleep but I start getting really paranoid I think everyone is scheming against me and Im scared shitless cause I still cant sleep. Finally more then forty hours after I took the stuff I fell asleep. Anyways the point is I went against one of my rules and it was no good I really felt like I was freaking out, I thought I went past the point of no return in my mind, but fortunately after catching up on sleep I had no permanent damage from the experience. It did however go to strengthen my opinion that no one should do synthetics. If you must taint your mind with drugs keep it natural like me!!!
-Chris (The Master of Purple Prose)
hey.. thanks for your lovely comment on my set