SIM card in old shitty phone, works...yay for not being cut off from the world, now on tech support..well hold..yay.
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 12, 2006
biggest siiiigh in the world. why do i not live near detroit, and … -
Monday Mar 06, 2006
So I REALLY like waking up to a call from Ari when she's not fully aw… -
Tuesday Feb 28, 2006
copied from my LJ This self deprecating entry brought to you by : WO… -
Friday Feb 03, 2006
NCOR is this weekend, I should be there, with copies of StaticBabble.… -
Saturday Jan 28, 2006
Static babble is OFFICIALY finished. You know you want a copy! Se… -
Thursday Jan 26, 2006
SB! is coming along, um, it should be done this weekend, so hit me up… -
Tuesday Jan 24, 2006
So i was drunk and tried updating, while drunk...and left myself a lo… -
Thursday Jan 19, 2006
I dropped a 90 lb metal shaft on my big toe last night at work...yipp… -
Wednesday Jan 18, 2006
I love being pushed aside, and ignored. its grand. truly. i am love… -
Sunday Jan 15, 2006
Aight, so check it see. so its um, 5 in the morning, i've eaten ro…