So, There's this random pile of old, unused, pieces of...machinery and such, at i keep scavenging from it...don't ask me why, I have an issue with stuff that looks neat just laying now i have
1>a "space saver" keyboard, which is a full keyboard, only, instead of being all long, the buttons are rearranged so that its smaller....and the cord has been severed, so it has no pluggy in device thingy...
2>a vacuum pressure gauge....yeah, i don't know either.
3>a bunch of buttons, that GLOW! with the help of the contacts and tiny lightbulbs...
now, i already have an old computer tower, and a bunch of random computer what else would i do with all this stuff? i'm making a
who knows what it will do....probably just...glow..and whir and maybe have a simple black and green monitor...hmmm now....where to get an old school black and green monitor???..........
in other news, APW FallOut was on Saturday, it went okay, Erik and Jim's "dog collar" match was intense, as was the Delinquit duo vs Murder/Christ match...fuck yeah staple gun!
Mycal Murder with staple gun, he's one of my best friends, and part of RapeCore. (named after Jack Rape, one of his partners, and myself, The Core, Please don't be offended by the name, or if you are offended, keep in mind thats the whole point. i personally despise rapists, but its a great "heel" gimmick.)
And that's El Jonz, one of my oldest friends slaughtering Solid Stud Jim during the Dog Collar match...geesh.
*edit to add pictures* I of course got ridiculously drunk, and probably did something rude and mayhap uncouth..but yeah, here's me caring....and done. alright i'm out.
1>a "space saver" keyboard, which is a full keyboard, only, instead of being all long, the buttons are rearranged so that its smaller....and the cord has been severed, so it has no pluggy in device thingy...
2>a vacuum pressure gauge....yeah, i don't know either.
3>a bunch of buttons, that GLOW! with the help of the contacts and tiny lightbulbs...
now, i already have an old computer tower, and a bunch of random computer what else would i do with all this stuff? i'm making a
who knows what it will do....probably just...glow..and whir and maybe have a simple black and green monitor...hmmm now....where to get an old school black and green monitor???..........
in other news, APW FallOut was on Saturday, it went okay, Erik and Jim's "dog collar" match was intense, as was the Delinquit duo vs Murder/Christ match...fuck yeah staple gun!
Mycal Murder with staple gun, he's one of my best friends, and part of RapeCore. (named after Jack Rape, one of his partners, and myself, The Core, Please don't be offended by the name, or if you are offended, keep in mind thats the whole point. i personally despise rapists, but its a great "heel" gimmick.)
And that's El Jonz, one of my oldest friends slaughtering Solid Stud Jim during the Dog Collar match...geesh.
*edit to add pictures* I of course got ridiculously drunk, and probably did something rude and mayhap uncouth..but yeah, here's me caring....and done. alright i'm out.
I don't get the needle fear at all... I think I need to get over it. It would make blood tests A LOT easier on me...and maybe the nurses would stop laughing and saying "YOU'RE afraid of needles...look at you"... My response "...yeah ...ha silly..."
Shitty jobs make the world go round. As long as you can keep doing the things you enjoy doing, you'll be alright... That's the way I'm looking at this whole telemarketing thing.