I actually have a weekend off, mostly due to the fact of shift changeover...The APW event got pushed back to next weekend, which is probably a good thing....
My new piercing still hurts, its been a week....and its practically throbbing all the time....oh well, as long as it doesn't get infected and i lose it...i really love this one....I realized i still have space on...
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Blargh, I say, Blargh
Bout to go to work frown Night shift blooooooows
I go to first shift on monday though, kinda woooo, but that means being up at 6 AM, ugh.....i hate the hours at work...
oh well, I got the SG DVD today, good stuff, it's super cute.
Hmmm,what else?
Still haven't heard from Ari, I don't know if asking about the stop in...
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So I didn't go to work tonight...i just didn't feel like it...
I stayed home and watched SummerSlam..yeah i'm lame, eat me...rasslin is semi cool, and fun.APW is my friends independent wrestling federation, Apartmen Pro Wrestling...cuz we don't have a ring, and therefore, can wrestle anywhere....i'll stop talking now and not mention that i'm the president....and we do a show every month, so if...
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Out = Driving
In = Roller Skates

Awwww that sucks that you didn't get to go to the concert!!It was great...I mean uhhh...it totally sucked.... wink
yea, i know. sleep is for the weak. i can sleep when i am dead.
New piercing today, wooo, vertical transverse...it was fun...pics soon, its all swollen and red...not attractive...work tonight...calling in more then likely the next two nights, cuz i can.
Also had sushi and got my hair cut by someone other then myself.

I feel retarded, I'm going to portland, OR, for the HPL FilmFest on Oct. 7-9, i was looking at airfare, and theres a ticket...
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So that was a fun 12 hour shift...bleh...and I had the pleasure of finding out what it's like to chop off the top layer of skin from my left index fingers first knuckle.....i'll post a pic later...its biiiizarre, the section of whitish pink skin was just sitting on the blade of my razor knife...i looked down and was like "ow?" then it started bleeding...and all...
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i got stood up last night....I was supposed to go see my friend Shannon who's now the drummer for All That Remains, they were playing with 6 feet under, Chimaira, and 3 INCHES OF FRIKKIN BLOOD but Brent never called me back, nor did he ever show up, and considering i'm super lame and don't drive...i had to go to work instead.
I've done nothing...
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I don't think I'm going to drink that much ever again...the last two times i've gotten drunk i've ended up depressed....somedays i realy just hate my life....mostly just the women i know...and love...but really...i'm pretty sure drinking is a really bad idea til i get my shit figured out.......
if Ari would go ahead and marry me we wouldn't have this problem...for serious. wink
In other...
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lol, yeah i know dude. thats the only bit im not lookin forward too surreal

yea, pretty cute for a boy.
Yeah fuckin 3 hours of sleep, my room is like an oven...ugh
I totally get a night off..woo...drinking is for me, drinking is for me.
Now if only I had a lady to accompany me to what will more then likely be a lame party.....
UGh, so I didn't get the promotion, but more positions were posted yesterday, so I'm going to reapply..yay. I ended up working 3 12s in a row, I think i'm one of the walking dead now...but the paycheck is gonna be hella sweet.
my sinus' are all messed up...guh.
Things are ...decent right now...i suppose...I'm disgustingly lonely when it comes to the fairer sex...and lately...
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rad. have you read the contortionist's handbook? if you're into wcb, you should check it out.
wcb and the author of the contortionists handbook are good friends. so, i figure if you like one, you'll like the other. just a thought...
I just want a day off...really, I understand that i just took 3 days off in a row..but seriously..those are probably the last days i'll have off in some time.
I get the joy of working 12 hour shifts Monday, Wednesday and Friday. w00000t on that i say. frown
How sad! It could be worse, though...

... you could be working at Advance Auto Parts, with the Devil!!!
I have a shitty schedule similar to that. frown I need a full month off! shocked

wink miao!!
I love it when someone you've been in love with for like 6 years, doesn't call you for a couple of months, gets a bf, then out of the blue calls you at 3:30 AM, while i'm at work....a call back must happen....
My one kittie got out...but he does that all the time...he'll come home at some point. My other fat lazy cat stayed put. As far as everything else, nothing is missing...how strange, but good! biggrin