now...a dating site.
it's hard to chart SG's decline now, as it is just a blur careening downhill at a near 90 degree angle.

it's hard to chart SG's decline now, as it is just a blur careening downhill at a near 90 degree angle.
why? because SG isn't a magical place of brilliant thinkers, it's a microcosm of the world, so a lot of stupid people saying "yeah! more is always better! right? of course it is! it's more!"
well in marketing and business in general, it's easier to market to the tools. so, they do, as they get more and more detacted from what they wanted to do with the site and more into going off enjoying the money, like all expanding corporations.
well, that previous part was kinda jabby, but i think people do a much better job when they focus on doing one or two things really well, rather than trying to do everything.
SG is:
the largest alteragirl porn site
the largest alteragirl "art" site
an alternative community site
a news source
a dating site
a traveling burlesque troope
an amateur porn site
a livejournal type site
a freindster type site (gotta get the most friends)
and an online clothing, etc. retailer
(lemme know if i missed anything)
but hey, if you don't like the way SG is runnin' things, then you can git out!
heh. yeah.
[Edited on Oct 11, 2004 5:32PM]