Arrr, tomorrow (Sunday, 9/19) be international "talk like a pirate day" arrr. I be telling ye scalleywags this today so ye all be ready.
of course knowing the people who read my journal, they might not see this until days after talk like a pirate day but eh, fuck 'em.
oh, and if i'm too tired or lazy to update tomorrow, i'll be gone like all of next week.

of course knowing the people who read my journal, they might not see this until days after talk like a pirate day but eh, fuck 'em.

oh, and if i'm too tired or lazy to update tomorrow, i'll be gone like all of next week.
i love your profile pic
Whilst attemtping to download that nice Sicily desktop you made, not being the most terribly computer literate person in the world, I accidentally uploaded the image back into the desktop gallery under my name. Guh. I've been trying to delete it, but can't seem to figure it out. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know this so that you didn't think some moron out there was delibreately trying to take credit for your work. If you know how to delete it or know of the right person who can, please let me know. Thanks!