Rawr! School has started! Actually it starts officially on Wednesday...but..um..Im moved in..and my room needs more decorating..other than that..wooo! Moving to the new house is now like..94% done..so hopefully its fully finished soon.
More Blogs
Sunday Apr 22, 2007
heres a poem I wrote a few hours ago... ----------------------------… -
Wednesday Apr 18, 2007
I want to send out a prayer to all those who were involved with the V… -
Tuesday Feb 27, 2007
My oh my, its midterm time in college. Whats that? Oh, theres a thing… -
Friday Feb 23, 2007
Ahhh! College is a bit boring..I need to get more social interaction.… -
Wednesday Feb 07, 2007
Today is my friend Dylans birthday (Glacian on SG). Happy birthday pa… -
Wednesday Jan 24, 2007
The first week of school..class is alright..fuck..Im tired though..wa… -
Saturday Jan 13, 2007
Oh Dear..time has flown by..and my oh my has it been a ride. The firs… -
Tuesday Oct 17, 2006
I sit in my dorm room, friends around as I stare at my screen, lookin…