Meat Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3 and 4! MGS 4 was beaten 3 hours ago..oh my god. So beautiful...
Gearing up for Final Fantasy XIII in a few weeks..gonna get myself deeply involved with that..let my emotions and such fly out to those pretty characters.
But thats two weeks or so what am I going to play next? Im not sure..maybe No More...
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Gearing up for Final Fantasy XIII in a few weeks..gonna get myself deeply involved with that..let my emotions and such fly out to those pretty characters.
But thats two weeks or so what am I going to play next? Im not sure..maybe No More...
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:-) Good game
Holy shit, I spaced off a Test in my Abnormal Psychology class...Good thing I checked my syllabus, or I would've fucked my grade over hardcore.
Aside from that, I got another test to study for on Friday..and hopefully no other surprise tests..otherwise Im going to rage hardcore.
=3 Beat MGS2 over the Valentines day weekend..and am starting MGS3 so I can get caught up to...
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Aside from that, I got another test to study for on Friday..and hopefully no other surprise tests..otherwise Im going to rage hardcore.
=3 Beat MGS2 over the Valentines day weekend..and am starting MGS3 so I can get caught up to...
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New semester started a few weeks ago, and I've gone to maybe..50% of the classes. Lol Im just really tired and like..wanna do nothing all day, which is pretty damn unsafe if you ask me. Tomorrow though Im going to all my classes, first time I did that since...well..two weeks ago lol.
Not much is new other than being awesome and playing cool new videogames...
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Not much is new other than being awesome and playing cool new videogames...
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Don't forget Heavy Rain and Bioshock 2 is coming
I played Bioshock 2 and the demo for Heavy Rain which comes out in a week
Woops, time for that blog post of mine. Jesus, last time was August.
=/ my bad. Lol, well I saw New Moon a few days ago, thought it was excellent. I do like Jacob a lot, much more than Edward..might have to do with me relating more to Jacob perhaps..Good movie regardless, much better than Twilight was for sure. The fall semester is almost over...
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=/ my bad. Lol, well I saw New Moon a few days ago, thought it was excellent. I do like Jacob a lot, much more than Edward..might have to do with me relating more to Jacob perhaps..Good movie regardless, much better than Twilight was for sure. The fall semester is almost over...
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Blah, life is settled for a weeeeeeeeee bit. I have a job with my friend Dylan, and we work and have all sorts of funnnnnn. =3 the money is nice too. Um..schools starts August 31st as well, so thats really soon..boy am I excited. =D
How did you get unlimited ammo for RE5?
Im totally bored with life. I've been doing a whole lot of nothing, and for the past week I've "went to bed" somewhere between 4am and 10am....Good lord I need something to do with myself.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
Yes sir, the baby kicks up a hella big storm sometimes. Some of them hurt me but its like a slight pulse pain that last a second.
You should try to go to bed earlier, like around 1am
You should try to go to bed earlier, like around 1am
Oh yea, and I watch the Discovery Channel before I go to bed, it helps with all the soothing music and animal sounds haha

Holy crap I havent been here in a while..shoot. There are so many things that have changed too. Im a Psych major now, hoping to do counselling or relationship counselling..I dont know..its just something I like to do.
My friend Glacian/Dylan told me that Dorsal was expecting and such, so I just HAD to come and drop her a message. She's such a cutie. Hmm..other...
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My friend Glacian/Dylan told me that Dorsal was expecting and such, so I just HAD to come and drop her a message. She's such a cutie. Hmm..other...
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You dont know where you went for spring break? lol Ive never been on a spring break vacation before because i havent been back to college in years.
I hear Spring Vacation spots are filled with hot gals topless though
Thank you for the congrats
My tummy still looks the same from that photo. Im 15weeks and 4 days now 
I hear Spring Vacation spots are filled with hot gals topless though

Thank you for the congrats spring break was absolute crap. The best part about it was when I talked to a girl I liked from Texas on Monday and Tuesday on the phone......god I was so happy during those hours.
Then friends and I hung out for a bit everyday Tuesday through that was good..but other than that..Spring break didnt amount to shit.
How was everyone elses (who...I...
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Then friends and I hung out for a bit everyday Tuesday through that was good..but other than that..Spring break didnt amount to shit.
How was everyone elses (who...I...
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Thank you
Yea if you look back a few blogs I posted belly photos and such
Where did you go for Spring Break?

Yea if you look back a few blogs I posted belly photos and such

Where did you go for Spring Break?
Jesus..havent posted in a while.
Lately I've been sick and kinda down..other than that school is going alright. I bombed my fucking Bio exam, which is shit..I guess I need to study three times as hard now...and I have two tests on fuck. I have a lot of shit to do, as well as study up for a written/essay exam on Wednesday..Im not prepared..I...
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Lately I've been sick and kinda down..other than that school is going alright. I bombed my fucking Bio exam, which is shit..I guess I need to study three times as hard now...and I have two tests on fuck. I have a lot of shit to do, as well as study up for a written/essay exam on Wednesday..Im not prepared..I...
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Here are those videos I promised..More are coming lol. These were from the game Rock Band on my friends Xbox 360 lol.
God its fun watching these again xD
Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld.. no Im not really singing..because this song calls for a true "Timmy"
Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria lol..Its boring for a few minutes until I start being retarded...
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God its fun watching these again xD
Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld.. no Im not really singing..because this song calls for a true "Timmy"
Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria lol..Its boring for a few minutes until I start being retarded...
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I move back to my dorm room in 12 hours or so! shit shit shit shit shit..winter break is over...Damn.
Ah well, it was good while it lasted..and as a huge "end with a bang" my friend and I played Rock Band on his Xbox 360 and we recorded it..
We didnt just play...we rocked out in a hilarious manner..Those videos will come up...
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I move back to my dorm room in 12 hours or so! shit shit shit shit shit..winter break is over...Damn.
Ah well, it was good while it lasted..and as a huge "end with a bang" my friend and I played Rock Band on his Xbox 360 and we recorded it..
We didnt just play...we rocked out in a hilarious manner..Those videos will come up...
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I played a shit load of Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band today with a Pal of mine..we're gonna make some video's to amuse ourselves and our friends and put them on youtube...Lol. I might put those here too.
Anyways, other than that..I had a dream about this girl Alyssa that I know from Texas..she's really cute and I like her. but she's in a...
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Anyways, other than that..I had a dream about this girl Alyssa that I know from Texas..she's really cute and I like her. but she's in a...
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haha thanks for checking me out!
I love those Morbio guys so much!!
Fun dudes!
I love those Morbio guys so much!!
Fun dudes!
yeah I wouldnt mind seeing sullz do a SB set HAHAHAHHAHA