Today was a great day, mostly because of what happened when I was at lunch. I hate having to buy lunch at work cause it's so expensive for nasty ass food, but I forgot my lunch at home today. Since I needed to buy cigarettes I figured I'd go to subway n get some good food... When I got there there was only one other person in there, I swear I knew her from somewhere but didn't know where. She was a nice looking woman eating her sub (wearing purple). After about 5 five minutes I picked up my food n sat next to her (creeper alert haha) and asked her if we went to school together or something cause she looks so familiar... She laughed and saud she gets that a lot then told me her name. Jan Jeffcoat... It instantly dawned on me where I knew her from, she is an ABC Chicago news anchor (or so I thought) She instantly got offended and corrected me that she is a FOX news anchor.... Hahaha.
After we got all that straightened (spelling) out, we were just talking about the bears, swing and line dancing, elections and other stuff. Right before she left I gathered enough courage to ask for her number so I can take her out sometime... She happily accepted!!! I'm hoping to take her swing dancing... I know a little but she has never done it so it should be fun...
Side note: earlier I said she was wearing purple... Well she always wears purple on the news...
After we got all that straightened (spelling) out, we were just talking about the bears, swing and line dancing, elections and other stuff. Right before she left I gathered enough courage to ask for her number so I can take her out sometime... She happily accepted!!! I'm hoping to take her swing dancing... I know a little but she has never done it so it should be fun...
Side note: earlier I said she was wearing purple... Well she always wears purple on the news...
Noted: I am aware of the amount of exclamations, this good news definitely warrants them!