So I've been searching for a photographer in my area that will do a semi professional set for suicide boys. though I've found many people willing to do it, their price for the gig is too high. I know i'm not gonna get paid to post anything for suicide boys but I would still like to put it up and show off what the good Lord has graced me with...
So my job hunt still continues. I have found various jobs that are temperary, however I need a good fulltime job. So I can move back out of my parents house.... I swear its so weird, Being out on my own for the longest and just like that having to move back in with the parental units.
It's not fun at all, though I am extremely greatful for their hospitality. I feel sorta like a failure having to move back. Oh well I'ma get out there and make my millions, this is just a little speed bump that I must conquer.

So my job hunt still continues. I have found various jobs that are temperary, however I need a good fulltime job. So I can move back out of my parents house.... I swear its so weird, Being out on my own for the longest and just like that having to move back in with the parental units.