Its a nasty day outside, I woke up, rolled out of bed and reached for the bowl.. Thought about it for a sec, because my sister and I just had this long ass talk "bitch out" that i should only smoke from a bong because its better for me.. Shes going to school to a teacher for AA...haha... If those poor bastards only knew... Anyways...I go let the dogs out and dig out the bong... The whole time trying not to wake my girl up.. So im settin on the couch token, and i relize that its been weeks sense we have had sex... Im guessing she was reading my mind, because she comes walking into the living room with this look... She picks me up and i rap myself about her waste, pushing my box hard on to hers..
hehe.. She thought she was going to get to lead, but not today...I wanted her so bad i felt like I had blueballs.. I wont bore you with the details, but it was amazing...Until her mom stops by for a suprise visit.. The whole house smells of pussy and weed...haha...Yup.. goodtimes.....Guess that will teach her to call before she show up... hahaha

You should blog more.