Merry Christmas and (almost) Happy New Year!
I hope everyone's Christmas either eventful or uneventful, depending on the type of christmas you prefer.
Mine was mostly uneventful, which was fine by me.
It was great to see Sarah, even if only for a couple of days. Better than great, really, but it was hard to say goodbye again so quickly.
Good to see my brothers, too. I was apprehensive about seeing one brother in particular, but there was no hint of what I had perceived in the hospital as denunciation and criticism, so perhaps that entire situation can be blamed on the awkwardness of a situation I had caused. I can hardly hold people responsible for not knowing how to react when I do something like that can I?
Anyway, everyone (I think) had a generally relaxed and low-key Christmas. And of course there were lots of Presents!
My other brother got me DVD's with all the episodes of Big Brother UK (season 5) and a special DVD player that can play them. Wow. UK TV is nuts. I mean sure, we have reality TV in Canada (At least through the American Networks). And the theory behind it is the same: put people in situations whereby drama and conflict ensue, and the greater the drama and the greater the conflict the better.
But for American reality TV it is, for some reason, absolutely essential, that the networks pretend that the conflicts arise exclusively out of the personality characteristics of the people. Of course this isn't entirely true, these TV shows create situations to incite conflict, but they NEVER admit that this is their goal. They always pretend that the Show is a benevelant overlord and the contestants are its squabaling subjects fighting over scraps of meat.
BBC is like: People want to see drama, so leat's MAKE some. These people just had sex, let's play a really loud recording of a baby crying! Cold showers, property confiscations, noise torture, they just want to fuck with people for the public to see. Its disturbing, but much less so, I think, than watching American Big Brother, where they pretend that all they want to do is give away money and its the contestants that are causing drama.
Also, I don't really get the BBC. Is it all one big network? Is it a bunch of different ones? Why is it that some times they censor swearing and sometimes they show me full-on shagging?
But I digress....
Oh yeah, Christmas!
I hope everyone got good presents and fruitcake.
On boxing day (at night) Sarah, my brother, his fiancee, my other brother and I went to a local pub before everyone went back to their respective provinces. The place was called the Celtic Corner, Sarah and I had been there a few times before. Nova Scotia is chalk-full of Irish Pubs (and I do mean full) but most of them are on the other side of the bridge. You see our fair city is divided by a harbour and connected by two bridges and a ferry system. The point is that all the good pubs are on the other side of the harbour, and it can be a lot of work to get over there and back, but the celtic corner is alright so we went there.
It was mostly empty. There were a few pockets of people. There was one really, really drunk girl from Ireland yelling about how if this were a REAL Irish Pub we'd all (the patrons in general, not us in particular) have a knife to our throats for something we did or didn't do or something. Then she started yelling in Gaelic and laughing hysterically because we couldn't understand her. Sarah actually speaks Gaelic, but she doesnt speak drunk gaelic. Then our waiter collapsed on the floor, from what we think was food poisoning, but we never did find out. Our new waiter was nice though, so it was ok.
Then we poured salt and pepper over each other's cell phones and wrapped up a fun-filled evening.

(Mine is the one in the middle with a Jack Skellington charm)
Well that was my christmas, for the most part....
I got some HD-DVD's and Gift Certificates....
I managed to avoid almost all contact with my extended family....
Pretty much everybody politely avoided a certain topic of conversation, so nothing was too terribly awkward....
I guess I'd call it a winner.
So how about everybody else?
p.s. I have been invited to a new year's party tonight by Sarah's friend Peggy. There's about a hundred reasons not to go, but I might anyway. Its the type of thing i'm appearantly supposed to be forcing myself to do, even if I don't want to, socializing, joining the outside world and all that....We'll see.....
I hope everyone's Christmas either eventful or uneventful, depending on the type of christmas you prefer.
Mine was mostly uneventful, which was fine by me.
It was great to see Sarah, even if only for a couple of days. Better than great, really, but it was hard to say goodbye again so quickly.
Good to see my brothers, too. I was apprehensive about seeing one brother in particular, but there was no hint of what I had perceived in the hospital as denunciation and criticism, so perhaps that entire situation can be blamed on the awkwardness of a situation I had caused. I can hardly hold people responsible for not knowing how to react when I do something like that can I?
Anyway, everyone (I think) had a generally relaxed and low-key Christmas. And of course there were lots of Presents!
My other brother got me DVD's with all the episodes of Big Brother UK (season 5) and a special DVD player that can play them. Wow. UK TV is nuts. I mean sure, we have reality TV in Canada (At least through the American Networks). And the theory behind it is the same: put people in situations whereby drama and conflict ensue, and the greater the drama and the greater the conflict the better.
But for American reality TV it is, for some reason, absolutely essential, that the networks pretend that the conflicts arise exclusively out of the personality characteristics of the people. Of course this isn't entirely true, these TV shows create situations to incite conflict, but they NEVER admit that this is their goal. They always pretend that the Show is a benevelant overlord and the contestants are its squabaling subjects fighting over scraps of meat.
BBC is like: People want to see drama, so leat's MAKE some. These people just had sex, let's play a really loud recording of a baby crying! Cold showers, property confiscations, noise torture, they just want to fuck with people for the public to see. Its disturbing, but much less so, I think, than watching American Big Brother, where they pretend that all they want to do is give away money and its the contestants that are causing drama.
Also, I don't really get the BBC. Is it all one big network? Is it a bunch of different ones? Why is it that some times they censor swearing and sometimes they show me full-on shagging?
But I digress....
Oh yeah, Christmas!
I hope everyone got good presents and fruitcake.
On boxing day (at night) Sarah, my brother, his fiancee, my other brother and I went to a local pub before everyone went back to their respective provinces. The place was called the Celtic Corner, Sarah and I had been there a few times before. Nova Scotia is chalk-full of Irish Pubs (and I do mean full) but most of them are on the other side of the bridge. You see our fair city is divided by a harbour and connected by two bridges and a ferry system. The point is that all the good pubs are on the other side of the harbour, and it can be a lot of work to get over there and back, but the celtic corner is alright so we went there.

It was mostly empty. There were a few pockets of people. There was one really, really drunk girl from Ireland yelling about how if this were a REAL Irish Pub we'd all (the patrons in general, not us in particular) have a knife to our throats for something we did or didn't do or something. Then she started yelling in Gaelic and laughing hysterically because we couldn't understand her. Sarah actually speaks Gaelic, but she doesnt speak drunk gaelic. Then our waiter collapsed on the floor, from what we think was food poisoning, but we never did find out. Our new waiter was nice though, so it was ok.
Then we poured salt and pepper over each other's cell phones and wrapped up a fun-filled evening.

(Mine is the one in the middle with a Jack Skellington charm)
Well that was my christmas, for the most part....
I got some HD-DVD's and Gift Certificates....
I managed to avoid almost all contact with my extended family....
Pretty much everybody politely avoided a certain topic of conversation, so nothing was too terribly awkward....
I guess I'd call it a winner.
So how about everybody else?

p.s. I have been invited to a new year's party tonight by Sarah's friend Peggy. There's about a hundred reasons not to go, but I might anyway. Its the type of thing i'm appearantly supposed to be forcing myself to do, even if I don't want to, socializing, joining the outside world and all that....We'll see.....
no wii's to be found anywhere.....i love mine....