I found this in my house earlier this week.
This is not exactly the same spider, but it is a good approximation. This was no ordinary spider.
I managed to trap it, but we didn't know what to do then. This thing is larger than any house spider should be. We're talking rain forest spider-size.
So we didn't know how to kill it. It is literally large enough that any normal method would produce too large a mess. We have a bug-tazer-dealie, but the spider might explode when we hit it with the electricity, and we just weren't prepared to deal with that.
So we left him trapped and figured he would eventually asphyxiate and we could just flush down the toilet.
Two days later its still running around, happy as can be.
We don't have any raid or anything so Sarah lifted the side of the container its trapped in and sprayed half a can of lysol antibacterial air freshener spray. when the air cleared we did it again.
Another day passes.
The fucker is still alive, still running around, obviously immortal, or at least it learned to live without oxygen or some shit. I don't know.
I hate pickering.

This is not exactly the same spider, but it is a good approximation. This was no ordinary spider.
I managed to trap it, but we didn't know what to do then. This thing is larger than any house spider should be. We're talking rain forest spider-size.
So we didn't know how to kill it. It is literally large enough that any normal method would produce too large a mess. We have a bug-tazer-dealie, but the spider might explode when we hit it with the electricity, and we just weren't prepared to deal with that.
So we left him trapped and figured he would eventually asphyxiate and we could just flush down the toilet.
Two days later its still running around, happy as can be.
We don't have any raid or anything so Sarah lifted the side of the container its trapped in and sprayed half a can of lysol antibacterial air freshener spray. when the air cleared we did it again.
Another day passes.
The fucker is still alive, still running around, obviously immortal, or at least it learned to live without oxygen or some shit. I don't know.
I hate pickering.
Stay strong dude.
Get better.

Hey, I hope you're doing ok. I'll miss you loads if you're not on SG!