It has been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is another saying that goes "Don't love her because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her". Well now I'm saying she may not be the most beautiful girl to the world, but she IS the most beautiful girl in my world. As for the rest of the world...
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It's a pretty messed up world we live in. I mean how is it that the thing we want most seems to always be the one thing we can't have. The things we can have we don't want and it's not because we can have them that we don't want them, it's just that we dont want them. This world forces us to settle and...
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YOU ARE TOO SWEET!!!!!!!!! smile
This town is rediculous. Even though it snows and/or ices every year they don't own a single plow so they use road graders. That will get the job done when and if they ever decide to get them out and actually use them. When they do actually plow the roads they only skim over them, making a smooth sheet of ice out of the packed...
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I'm trying to figure out how to add a link or pic to my blog or a board and since this is not only my favorite girl, but my favorite of her sets i figured this was a good place to start. She is so gorgeous and all of her pics are amazing. I just like the red streaks better than the blue or purple....
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