Sleeper Project
I went on a family trip to London a while back for a family members birthday. On the way back it's safe to say I was feeling a little merry
I sat in the back of the car with my skullcandy headphones on listening to some music, just monging out really.
I decided to film what I was seeing....I dont know why.
Here is what I saw:
**As a footnote this is just me trying out some film making software....nothing exciting**
I went on a family trip to London a while back for a family members birthday. On the way back it's safe to say I was feeling a little merry

I decided to film what I was seeing....I dont know why.
Here is what I saw:
**As a footnote this is just me trying out some film making software....nothing exciting**
why half upset? 

I share a birthday with Bukowski