God, if you're out there, stop with the hating me thing.
Hey, I just got my permit today, i've always been to lazy to go get it. finaly got up and went and did it, yay for me, i missed 5, max is 6 .
alright, well i am happy for now, talk to you all later...not that anyone checks on me.

Well, Just got back From L.A. drove 8 hours to get there, 11 hours back because our car broke down and left us stranded for 3 hours. pretty much all we did was chck out the SG Live show. It was so god damn amazing. To any SG reading this Amazing what you girls do.
yea it was a great show i wish you were actually able to drive it would of made it easier on me but thanks for keeping me awake
i get the worst panic attacks in crowds so through out the course of the night i was mostly in the back. however it is possible. there's a pic of myself and aries on her page in the candids. that's how i look now.
Well, just got enough balls to sign up for the site, lovin it.