Once again went on a "fishing trip" got shitfaced. Went back home, Geting a new tattoo soon.
Got drunk with a bunch of ghuys from work, we are now calling each other the fucktards. I have gotten new tattoos since my last post. not that anyone reads this shit anyway. so talk to you all in another 6 months SG.
Got my new tattoo last saturday done by lisa at devotion. Scabs starting to peel now...
I get a new tattoo at Devotion on Saturday, cant wait!
Shit Cock
Merry Christmas and Happy new year!
Avenged sevenfold was an awsome concert, I got to see 3 bands I have always wanted to see, and one that I've, never heard of. fun shit, just got back from winnemucca last night.
Yay! Avenged Sevenfold Saturday, Anyone else going?
I got my Ears Pierced on Monday night a Devotion in Boise. Nice shop, my first time going there, I have been looking for a good shop since I left California, I need more tattoos
But yea, I got them Pierced at a 10 gauge.

It was Dustin who did the piercings
Haha unfortunitly i'm moving to fuckin LA on sunday.. Bye bye idaho