Once again went on a "fishing trip" got shitfaced. Went back home, Geting a new tattoo soon.
Got drunk with a bunch of ghuys from work, we are now calling each other the fucktards. I have gotten new tattoos since my last post. not that anyone reads this shit anyway. so talk to you all in another 6 months SG.

Got my new tattoo last saturday done by lisa at devotion. Scabs starting to peel now...
Avenged sevenfold was an awsome concert, I got to see 3 bands I have always wanted to see, and one that I've, never heard of. fun shit, just got back from winnemucca last night.
I got my Ears Pierced on Monday night a Devotion in Boise. Nice shop, my first time going there, I have been looking for a good shop since I left California, I need more tattoos eeek But yea, I got them Pierced at a 10 gauge.
It was Dustin who did the piercings
Haha unfortunitly i'm moving to fuckin LA on sunday.. Bye bye idaho
I'm Finally getting excited, today is pretty much the last day of work before we get a sheetrock crew in on my wife's nana's house that we have been builting for a good 6 months. Yay, gunna get time off soon smile Last week I was working on a different project for a gay couple that raises horses. interesting stuff. ARRR!!!
Fuck Its been a long time since I posted on here, Well Its been about a year since I moved from sunny California to Cold Idaho. Don't get me wrong its fuckin great out here as far as people go, but damn, moving 10 hours away from anyone you have known your entire life is kinda fuckin weird, shakes you up a bit. anyway, even...
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go to the show.. backstabbers Inc. at 1018 W Hays.. this wednesday night.. 7pm 5 bucks.
Construction owns the wallet. Welcome back and yes. idaho is too damn cold. meh.. im use to it though. biggrin