To all my Beautiful Friends, I want to thank you for almost nine months of pure joy. I have truly enjoy seeing everyones sets and posting comments, although some from way out there, I have had fun and got to know some Beautiful People. At first I was unsure if I wanted to stay on SG and just Look at pictures, then I started posting comments then the friends request started coming and I was sending friends request out and was very shocked when I was getting approved. I can remember to first Hopeful that I fell in love with.

Yes the most Beautiful Perry, although she would never comment back or respond to any messages I felt that I should just leave, because I was just paying monthly at that time nothing lost, but what to hell I decided to give it one more try. Thats when things started happening and I found my first Red Head, OMG I Love Red Heads and this one was a long legged, tall Beautiful Red Head that just set me on Fire.

The Beautiful Louisiana and Oh did I think that she was HOT and Sexy, reminded me of a lover from years back, Yes she was a Red Head and man I loved her. Both of us was in the Army at Fort Knox Ky and we just lost touch after differnt duty assignments, but all those members can back and I enjoyed the way that I felt. then to find out Louisiana had this friend that I would post comments to and she would comment back and we message back and forward and I felt that Well Hell this is alright, she was easy to joke with and not bad on the eyes either.

OMG, check out that booty, Yes it is Fletching;

The one who laugh at my jokes and was crazy just like me.
Then here we are today with more than 500 Friends and still trying to find the time to post comments to each as often as I can and just when I feel that it's a lost cause I log in and THERE, on the FRONT PAGE, Yes another Hopeful Friend has gone Live and setting on the Front Page and it just pleases my Heart and I keep going waiting for my next friend to go Live on the Front Page.
So as of today the one that I give the most loving to is over 1000 comments and above 95% and all that we are waiting for is for her to be selected as an SG and to go Live on the Front Page. I have placed her as my #1 Friend and I call her my babe Girl;

Well anyone who knows me knows that I a Breast and butt kind of guy, but her faces is Beautiful too;

Loving My Beautiful Little Lady and Friend Nero.
Well if you think that I'm just a crazy Old Man, that's ok, being crazy keeps me from going insane like you.

Yes the most Beautiful Perry, although she would never comment back or respond to any messages I felt that I should just leave, because I was just paying monthly at that time nothing lost, but what to hell I decided to give it one more try. Thats when things started happening and I found my first Red Head, OMG I Love Red Heads and this one was a long legged, tall Beautiful Red Head that just set me on Fire.

The Beautiful Louisiana and Oh did I think that she was HOT and Sexy, reminded me of a lover from years back, Yes she was a Red Head and man I loved her. Both of us was in the Army at Fort Knox Ky and we just lost touch after differnt duty assignments, but all those members can back and I enjoyed the way that I felt. then to find out Louisiana had this friend that I would post comments to and she would comment back and we message back and forward and I felt that Well Hell this is alright, she was easy to joke with and not bad on the eyes either.

OMG, check out that booty, Yes it is Fletching;

The one who laugh at my jokes and was crazy just like me.
Then here we are today with more than 500 Friends and still trying to find the time to post comments to each as often as I can and just when I feel that it's a lost cause I log in and THERE, on the FRONT PAGE, Yes another Hopeful Friend has gone Live and setting on the Front Page and it just pleases my Heart and I keep going waiting for my next friend to go Live on the Front Page.
So as of today the one that I give the most loving to is over 1000 comments and above 95% and all that we are waiting for is for her to be selected as an SG and to go Live on the Front Page. I have placed her as my #1 Friend and I call her my babe Girl;

Well anyone who knows me knows that I a Breast and butt kind of guy, but her faces is Beautiful too;

Loving My Beautiful Little Lady and Friend Nero.
Well if you think that I'm just a crazy Old Man, that's ok, being crazy keeps me from going insane like you.
Bring it on, you say? Just you wait!
And what a lovely blog! I especially love Fletching! She's vitality, radiance, and honesty all wrapped into one! 

Yeah, thanks for the latest comment on my set but I'm no Colombian, I'm Brazilian