Well here I go, I joined SG to visit a set posted by a friend, all she wanted was for me to tell her what I thought about her pictures, now she no longer active and I'm still here. I enjoy seeing all the Beautiful Ladies on this site, once I found out what it was all about I made the decision to stay and help the hopefuls to become SGs.
Strange that in helping a friend I have found a place that I enjoy visiting and posting comments, some are way out in left field, and giving support anyway that I can to the Beautiful Hopefuls that I now call friends. I first said that maybe 50 friends and stay with them until they are SGs, then the request started coming in and the more I met the more I wanted to help, so today I'm over 250 friends and believe me it's hard keep track of whom that I have posted to today or whom has gone SG, it takes some doing but I enjoy seeing my hopeful friends go SG, it just makes me happy to see them happy.
I have met some very beautiful people not just with looks but in their hearts, some that has reached out and touched my heart and well yes, other that are to put it nicely, into themself only and can't see past the end of their noses. My Beautiful friend that I have never met but feel her pain with her because of her heart, I would trade hearts with her if I could for I know that she will touch others as she has touched mine.
Then to all the Nurses on this site I truly have a place in my heart for you because you are what I always wanted to be from the time that I started working on an ambulance. Just to be able to touch someones life and make a difference, from placing a bandaid on a sore to saving someones life or to help save the baby they are carring. All health care worker are angels and needs to be told everyday that we thank them for being there when someone needs them.
Well no pretty pictures to share or music, just something to let you know why that I am here, so keep the sets coming and the friend request too and I will be here for all my hopeful friends and to all whom whats to be friends with an Old Man that enjoy life and hopes to live a very long and happy life and to those who think
that I'm just a dirty old man that wants to look at pictures of naked young women you can kiss my old dirty ass. Had to leave you with one good one. To all my hopeful friends


and to the rest 
Strange that in helping a friend I have found a place that I enjoy visiting and posting comments, some are way out in left field, and giving support anyway that I can to the Beautiful Hopefuls that I now call friends. I first said that maybe 50 friends and stay with them until they are SGs, then the request started coming in and the more I met the more I wanted to help, so today I'm over 250 friends and believe me it's hard keep track of whom that I have posted to today or whom has gone SG, it takes some doing but I enjoy seeing my hopeful friends go SG, it just makes me happy to see them happy.
I have met some very beautiful people not just with looks but in their hearts, some that has reached out and touched my heart and well yes, other that are to put it nicely, into themself only and can't see past the end of their noses. My Beautiful friend that I have never met but feel her pain with her because of her heart, I would trade hearts with her if I could for I know that she will touch others as she has touched mine.
Then to all the Nurses on this site I truly have a place in my heart for you because you are what I always wanted to be from the time that I started working on an ambulance. Just to be able to touch someones life and make a difference, from placing a bandaid on a sore to saving someones life or to help save the baby they are carring. All health care worker are angels and needs to be told everyday that we thank them for being there when someone needs them.
Well no pretty pictures to share or music, just something to let you know why that I am here, so keep the sets coming and the friend request too and I will be here for all my hopeful friends and to all whom whats to be friends with an Old Man that enjoy life and hopes to live a very long and happy life and to those who think
that I'm just a dirty old man that wants to look at pictures of naked young women you can kiss my old dirty ass. Had to leave you with one good one. To all my hopeful friends


Just a litle hug for you!