So, after a crazy hectic week I can finally relax a bit again.. I worked my ass off together with 2 other people in the office to get things done for a stupid deadline. I worked till 10 or 11 pm for 3 days at the office, including a Sunday that I should have been off.. but, it was worth it, because last Friday I had my job evaluation and since my 1 year contract was about to end, combined with the current economic climate, needless to say I was pretty nervous (most famous Dutch design agency had to lay off 7 people.. pretty good indicator of how bad things are at the moment for designers). Anywho, of course there were things that could be improved, but they pulled out all the stops so that I could stay on board and that they didn't have to fire anybody!
Consequence is that I didn't get a pay rise or a fixed contract. Had it been better/busier at the office I would've gotten both, but they made a note of it and if things are ok, I will be compensated next year.
So yeah, I'm still working, money is still coming in, so I have nothing to complain about

Went to see Slagsmlsklubben together with the whole team after work, they were brilliant!! I wish they could've played a bit longer though, but the crowd went crazy

Ik ga niet emigreren naar Australie maar ik ga een jaartje reizen. Dus ik moet daar ook wel genoeg geld voor sparen, dus ik moet nu wel iets nieuws vinden.
Ik ben blij voor je dat je contract verlengd is. Current economic climate sucks
Ik zal in Amsterdam snel zijn.
Ik zal u laten het weten.
My dutch isn't that good anymore. haha.