I bought this book yesterday.. Daniel Simon makes some of the coolest and wildest concept vehicles these days. So awesome.. and humbling if I look at my own skills.
Also, decided with a buddy of mine to tackle the problem of putting an oversized ATV wheel on my scoot. I'm such a nerd when it comes to these little Japanese scooters. Here's a pic of mine at the moment... There's a specialized store in Tokyo for this model scooter, it's almost like Mecca for me
This pic was from last weekend when I was on a group ride (does it get any dorkier than that? :p )

Also, decided with a buddy of mine to tackle the problem of putting an oversized ATV wheel on my scoot. I'm such a nerd when it comes to these little Japanese scooters. Here's a pic of mine at the moment... There's a specialized store in Tokyo for this model scooter, it's almost like Mecca for me

This pic was from last weekend when I was on a group ride (does it get any dorkier than that? :p )

2. Bwahaha that is pretty fun, but it wasn't really your fault!
3. Hey....I can do that
4. I play piano! What makes you want to learn guitar?
5. I never watched those until I was older and got TiVo!
6. Both of those sound good actually.
That book looks so neat! I've always loved everything with a motor. My dad's a mechanic, so I grew up around cars and motorcycles!