Roller Skating today Yay!!!!!!!!
In other news Mr.Wrighthad a problem with his tire and wheel so in order for me to see him this weekend I had to go up to the mountain and get him. OK so I really didn't want to drive it at night but I really missed him so I said ok. Yesterday it was 12 degress outside and the wind was blowing like a motherfucker so it felt like it was below zero. Stevedave and I headed up to Keystone at 5:50pm we arrived at 7:50pm. It normally takes an hour and 15 min. But no worries the roads were icy and I was more than happy to just putt along with traffic. We get there the tow truck driver comes and tows his truck to the Big O tires in Frisco and we leave. It's snowing now, not real hard but it's still snowing the roads are even more icy. Here comes THE SCARY PART!
We get out of the Eisenhower Tunnel (a tunnel built so you can go trrough the mountain and not over), it's always dicey what you may find on either side. Oh and on either side it's downhill so if it's ice your sliding no matter what. Ok we get out and the snow is blowing across the highway so bad visibility is about 10 ft.
I can't see shit and I'm going down a hill sliding at abbout 40 miles and hour
. I down shift into third and then to second the car is slowing down a bit but by that time visibilty is zilch I can't see anything the wind is blowing so hard it's shaking the highway signs. Sometimes you just have to let go and hope you make it through, we made it. It was about 5 min of pure white knuckeled fear but the wind stopped or we turned the corner and a mountain was covering us something. I've never been so scared driving in my life!!!!!!!!! And I've driven on some scary passes by myself (Wolf Creek). Agh! I almost cried and now retyping the experience I'm a little shakey!!!
And to end ths journal I woke up this morning to Stevedave vomiting up a pice of shit, he ate off the ground last night, in our bedroom
In other news Mr.Wrighthad a problem with his tire and wheel so in order for me to see him this weekend I had to go up to the mountain and get him. OK so I really didn't want to drive it at night but I really missed him so I said ok. Yesterday it was 12 degress outside and the wind was blowing like a motherfucker so it felt like it was below zero. Stevedave and I headed up to Keystone at 5:50pm we arrived at 7:50pm. It normally takes an hour and 15 min. But no worries the roads were icy and I was more than happy to just putt along with traffic. We get there the tow truck driver comes and tows his truck to the Big O tires in Frisco and we leave. It's snowing now, not real hard but it's still snowing the roads are even more icy. Here comes THE SCARY PART!
We get out of the Eisenhower Tunnel (a tunnel built so you can go trrough the mountain and not over), it's always dicey what you may find on either side. Oh and on either side it's downhill so if it's ice your sliding no matter what. Ok we get out and the snow is blowing across the highway so bad visibility is about 10 ft.

And to end ths journal I woke up this morning to Stevedave vomiting up a pice of shit, he ate off the ground last night, in our bedroom

So, thanks for the wishes. And holy crap - now *that's* a scary driving story. Glad you made it out in one piece.
yes, just breathing quietly.