Are you ever disspapointed with friends for finding "God" which in this story translates specifically to "Jesus". Friends who you thougt were smarter than that. I'm not saying that anybody who finds a spirtual calling is stupid, but the specific Jesus calling. I grew up Lutheran went to church evey sunday, and to sunday school, and to Vacation Bible School and then gratuated from a Lutheran High School. I left the church a couple years after high school. I realized that the organized relgion I was part of was telling me how to live my life and wasn't letting me live it the way I wanted to, or the way I felt was right. I was being told what to fear and the fear of these "things" was going to keep me safe. I don't know it just seems the older I get the more my friends around me let me down in some way, like they just get lame.
What is it about christianity that sucks people in so much. To me it looks like a prison and to so many it feels like liberation. IN my High School I saw the hipocrisy of my Faith when my school threw out young pregnant mothers for having sex before marraige. Shouldn't we have bee helping them? And then my own Mom not wanting to come to my yoga class I was teaching because she felt as a christian it wasn't something she should do, since quieting your mind only gives room for thoughts from the devil to drift in.
I don't know, I just thought my friend was smarter than that, and now he's a Bush supporter too
which seems to be synonymous with christainity in this country.
Maybe it's because I've been living my life in reverse. I was so prim and proper as a youngster. And now I'm almost thirty and I'm dying my hair pink.
What are your thoghts on organized relgion and how it affects this country?
What is it about christianity that sucks people in so much. To me it looks like a prison and to so many it feels like liberation. IN my High School I saw the hipocrisy of my Faith when my school threw out young pregnant mothers for having sex before marraige. Shouldn't we have bee helping them? And then my own Mom not wanting to come to my yoga class I was teaching because she felt as a christian it wasn't something she should do, since quieting your mind only gives room for thoughts from the devil to drift in.
I don't know, I just thought my friend was smarter than that, and now he's a Bush supporter too

Maybe it's because I've been living my life in reverse. I was so prim and proper as a youngster. And now I'm almost thirty and I'm dying my hair pink.
What are your thoghts on organized relgion and how it affects this country?
i'm the same way...i grew up in a very baptist community and home. as soon as i started high school i saw how blinded i was by christianity and how much it shuts people out, rather than welcoming and embracing people as it claims to.