holy schmoolies it's been a long time since I journaled. Hmmm....well I'm doing quite a bit better
i went to the Theatre on Wednesday that was fun. We saw a free play called "Season's Greetings" about a dysfunctional family Christamas. It was fun and I learned that all Train Conductors are homosexual
Thursday was Craft Night that's always fun
Last night I went to Plumfairy's place for poker and my frind Carrisa cam over so we chated about crafts. Then I got really tired since I had been up since 7:30am. Somebody's Mom called and woke me up
Here's all I'm saying if someone is not Dead, dying or bleeding to death don't call my house or any of the phones in it until after 9am. And for pete's sake do not call to talk about stocks at that hour.
does anybody else have an in-law that drives them a bit bonkers?
i went to the Theatre on Wednesday that was fun. We saw a free play called "Season's Greetings" about a dysfunctional family Christamas. It was fun and I learned that all Train Conductors are homosexual

Thursday was Craft Night that's always fun
Last night I went to Plumfairy's place for poker and my frind Carrisa cam over so we chated about crafts. Then I got really tired since I had been up since 7:30am. Somebody's Mom called and woke me up

does anybody else have an in-law that drives them a bit bonkers?
plays are fun. i need more theatre in my life.
your mother in law called you at 7:30 in the morning to talk about stocks? that's.....random. i wouldn't have been up for it either. that's far too early to deal with anything. sadly i get calls at that hour more often than i'd like from work. at first it would freak me out and i'd get up thinking someone must be dead or dying in order for me to get a call at that hour. now i don't even get up because i know who it is. one day someone is actually going to be bleeding to death and i'm going to just let them die because i just assumed it was work calling to see if i wanted to come in.