Kudos to Lacey for solving the mystery. The pink furry thing is a Snugglebum

Roller Skating on Saturday was really fun. I only fell twice and it was when I was learing how to skate backwards thanks to Sneeeker. Plumfairy participated in something called a HIllbilly race and I'm sure he would have won if he'd only listened to the directions a bit closer
So I have been working on things for my Etsy shop this past week and I hope to have some stuff up by tommarow. Don't worry I'll link to it when I have stuff in there no sense in sending you guys to a page with no super cute products.
I finished watching all of Six Feet Under it was good, but now I'm looking forward to watching something not quite as serious

Roller Skating on Saturday was really fun. I only fell twice and it was when I was learing how to skate backwards thanks to Sneeeker. Plumfairy participated in something called a HIllbilly race and I'm sure he would have won if he'd only listened to the directions a bit closer

So I have been working on things for my Etsy shop this past week and I hope to have some stuff up by tommarow. Don't worry I'll link to it when I have stuff in there no sense in sending you guys to a page with no super cute products.

I finished watching all of Six Feet Under it was good, but now I'm looking forward to watching something not quite as serious

Hope it wasn't a double-gift.
Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm doing my best.