First let me thank all of you who gave me kind thoughts and support, I love you all
Next starting your own bussiness is a double edged sword. It's fun exciting you make your own rules no bosses and what not. But it's frustrating, goobs of hard work, and causes a lot of anxiety.
So here's the Great news about the Goodie Factory! A store in downtown denver is selling our product starting tommarow!!!!!!!!!!!
and we have 2 other coffe shops that are intrested
Here's the not so good news I have been doing goodie factory stuff ever since I woke up this morning at 8:15am!!!!!!!! I never get up that early I usually roll out of bed around 11am. I cleaned the kitchen ultra super good, set up all my mixies for the cookies, and have made two batches of cookies, and made up brand new bussiness cards that are super snazzy
and Plumfairy stopped by to work on the lite brite table it was awesome to see him
Bad news I lost some soliders 24 snickerdoodles and 16 chocolate chip cookies
what this means is I now have to finish baking the lemon ginger cookies and then make another batch of snickerdoodles and chocolate chips
If it's not too late I will also be making carrot muffins and then packageing all the goodies then I will get up at 5:30am tommarow to go deliver the goodies to Jamacia Juice and Chez Cheese located at 1512 Larimer S.#R24, Denver ,CO 80202 Shameless plug go buy the cookies
So in conclusion very very excited but also very very tired

Next starting your own bussiness is a double edged sword. It's fun exciting you make your own rules no bosses and what not. But it's frustrating, goobs of hard work, and causes a lot of anxiety.
So here's the Great news about the Goodie Factory! A store in downtown denver is selling our product starting tommarow!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the not so good news I have been doing goodie factory stuff ever since I woke up this morning at 8:15am!!!!!!!! I never get up that early I usually roll out of bed around 11am. I cleaned the kitchen ultra super good, set up all my mixies for the cookies, and have made two batches of cookies, and made up brand new bussiness cards that are super snazzy

and Plumfairy stopped by to work on the lite brite table it was awesome to see him
Bad news I lost some soliders 24 snickerdoodles and 16 chocolate chip cookies

If it's not too late I will also be making carrot muffins and then packageing all the goodies then I will get up at 5:30am tommarow to go deliver the goodies to Jamacia Juice and Chez Cheese located at 1512 Larimer S.#R24, Denver ,CO 80202 Shameless plug go buy the cookies
So in conclusion very very excited but also very very tired

And thank you so much for listening to me vent and hanging out and letting me work on the lite brite table. You rock so much. btw, AJ said she thinks you are super cool.
See you soon.