For all the party people, here's the info you've requested
XXX 3-D! The Lollipop Girls in Hard Candy Jan. 7th midnight at the Esquire, located on beautiful 6th and Downing. I will be atrockzombie's B-day Bash prior to 3D porn.
and so today I am SICK I thought it would pass, I've been fighting it off for a couple days now, and unfortunatly the cold has become victorious. I have a snotly nose, sore throat, and a very dry painful cough. I plan on spending a lot of the day in bed possibly reading, but probably mostly just sleeping. I'm hoping tomarrow I will feel a lot better, so I can rawk on the weekend with all you darlings
XXX 3-D! The Lollipop Girls in Hard Candy Jan. 7th midnight at the Esquire, located on beautiful 6th and Downing. I will be atrockzombie's B-day Bash prior to 3D porn.
and so today I am SICK I thought it would pass, I've been fighting it off for a couple days now, and unfortunatly the cold has become victorious. I have a snotly nose, sore throat, and a very dry painful cough. I plan on spending a lot of the day in bed possibly reading, but probably mostly just sleeping. I'm hoping tomarrow I will feel a lot better, so I can rawk on the weekend with all you darlings
i've never had the emergenC stuff. you sent it to bret and trevor?
it seems "the sandbox" would be too hot to get sick since i associate colds with cold weather...but i guess people can get colds in the summertime too...huhmm...
[Edited on Jan 05, 2006 7:42PM]