So give love, and keep blood between brothers.
Pete Townsend
Tsunami Happy Hour today.
This week went by fast. Though I'm paid as a supervisor, I usually don't have to do any actual supervising. This week I did, and the place didn't burn down. In fact, people were impressed; I hope they don't take this as reason to put me in charge more...
Anyway, have to go in Sunday night for our annual inventory, so a short weekend, but I get the day back at the end of the week, so the next one's a long weekend.
Just found out Breaking Benjamin's gonna be at 9:30 Club on 3/2/05, along with Theory of a Deadman and the Exies. I'm there. I haven't heard the new Exies album yet, so I hope they didn't pull the sophomore sham that seems to be so common these days. (Band writes good album, gets money, and no longer has to write good stuff.) I don't know. Music's just been really poor lately as a general trend. Clearly, though, I think Breaking Benjamin's We Are No One was pretty good. A rare good album from 2004...
Hey, I need crazy ideas soon. Feel free to think random thoughts and post them here. When the editing's all done with Candlemen, I'll start a slower edit of Scorpio Boys and want to be writing a new book at the same time. That's probably March, but I'd better have figured out what I'm writing long before I start. I've got to decide between Thrust of Survival (sci-fi), my DC-book (realistic fiction...or maybe surreal if I choose this one as my next one) or something else entirely. I want whatever I do to be wild, absurd, surreal, et cetera. Unpredictable and somewhat jarring. And if you have any really weird dreams, come by and post 'em. Thanks!
Pete Townsend
Tsunami Happy Hour today.
This week went by fast. Though I'm paid as a supervisor, I usually don't have to do any actual supervising. This week I did, and the place didn't burn down. In fact, people were impressed; I hope they don't take this as reason to put me in charge more...
Anyway, have to go in Sunday night for our annual inventory, so a short weekend, but I get the day back at the end of the week, so the next one's a long weekend.
Just found out Breaking Benjamin's gonna be at 9:30 Club on 3/2/05, along with Theory of a Deadman and the Exies. I'm there. I haven't heard the new Exies album yet, so I hope they didn't pull the sophomore sham that seems to be so common these days. (Band writes good album, gets money, and no longer has to write good stuff.) I don't know. Music's just been really poor lately as a general trend. Clearly, though, I think Breaking Benjamin's We Are No One was pretty good. A rare good album from 2004...
Hey, I need crazy ideas soon. Feel free to think random thoughts and post them here. When the editing's all done with Candlemen, I'll start a slower edit of Scorpio Boys and want to be writing a new book at the same time. That's probably March, but I'd better have figured out what I'm writing long before I start. I've got to decide between Thrust of Survival (sci-fi), my DC-book (realistic fiction...or maybe surreal if I choose this one as my next one) or something else entirely. I want whatever I do to be wild, absurd, surreal, et cetera. Unpredictable and somewhat jarring. And if you have any really weird dreams, come by and post 'em. Thanks!
On a different note and if you don't mind me asking, how did you get your job at Borders? When I was living in Twinbrook I applied with a referral from a past employee, and they wouldn't even return my calls.
A Random thought:
Snapple "Real Fact" #212 : Galapagos turtles can take up to three weeks to digest a meal.