Telegram to Hip-Hop: Dear Hip-Hop. stop.
This shit has gone too far. stop.
Please see that mixer and turntables are returned to Kool Herc. stop.
The ghettos are dancing off beat. stop. ...
Please inform all interested parties that cash nor murder have been added to the list of elements. stop.
We are discontinuing our current line of braggadocio in light of the current trend in realness. stop.
Saul Williams
So I have a Virus (say it like the dude in Matrix). A throat Virus. I can't speak, which is bad b/c this Sunday I'm getting paid money for (that's right) speaking!
This shit has gone too far. stop.
Please see that mixer and turntables are returned to Kool Herc. stop.
The ghettos are dancing off beat. stop. ...
Please inform all interested parties that cash nor murder have been added to the list of elements. stop.
We are discontinuing our current line of braggadocio in light of the current trend in realness. stop.
Saul Williams
So I have a Virus (say it like the dude in Matrix). A throat Virus. I can't speak, which is bad b/c this Sunday I'm getting paid money for (that's right) speaking!